
Sunderkand English Sunderkand English v1.0.1

Note: Requires sdcard and downloading of some images on first run.

ROMAN ENGLISH VERSION( Hindi words written in English to pronounce easily )

Sunderkand - Everything is sunder that is beautiful

Sunderkand is the fifth chapter of the Hindu holy book called ‘Ramayan’.

What does it contains ?

When Rama sets out for searching Sita towards lanka, they were at the bank of sea at Rameshwar and were planning how to cross the sea. Jamwant reminded Shree Hanumanji of having a divine power of flying, Shree Hanumanji sets out towards lanka in search of Sitaji. This is the commencement of sunderkand.


WiSync WiSync v1.7.4

Automatically enable and disable syncing on WIFI connectivity. Saves money for those without unlimited data plans, out of country, or when simply data roaming. Saves battery by preventing constant 3G/Edge/GPRS syncing. Sync when near an access point by simply turning WIFI ON/OFF as needed or by connecting/disconnecting when WIFI monitor is enabled. Now includes built in Locale plug-in.

WiFi Monitor has completely new and reliable implementation. Fixes various WIFI Minitor preference bugs. Includes Locale plug-in. Locale not required. Use of Locale simply extends flexibility and power.

WiSyncPlus still provides far, far more power and capabilities. WiSyncPlus is available on the Android Market.


S-Dialer S-Dialer v1.2.4

S-Dialer is a fully new and innovative dialer application on Android, compare to other traditional dialer applications,S-Dialer brings you refined user experience when making call and sending SMS.
S-Dialer brings you:
-Smart Search Engine for Contacts either by part of the phone numbers or names
-Speed dial to your favorites with only one tap
-1-Click Quick Launch either with any numeric button or dial button
-Easy Switch between Dial and SMS


Srimad Bhagavad Gita Srimad Bhagavad Gita v1.0.0

Summery of contents of this ebook

Contains 18 chapters comprising each Shaloka given in:
Sanskrit Version
Hindi Version
Translation in English
Purport for each Shaloka


Ram Raksha Stotra Ram Raksha Stotra v1.0.0

Shree Ram Raksha Stotra is a classical Sanskrit composition (essentially hymns or prayers) which are very dear to hearts of the Lord’s devotees.

- Full Shree Ram Raksha Stotra: Sanskrit & English Versions
- Full Audio Track with Play, Pause, start and Stop buttons
- Each stanzas have been picture illustrated
- Each page changes with Audio Synchronization and with various "Effects" as per selection
- Having options of various animation effects
- No need for Sanskrit Settings


Face of Ring Face of Ring v1.5.2

Application can turn off ring vibration while phone is positioned horizontally (ex. lying on the table). When you have a meeting, put the phone face down to turn off its ringing. Soft vibration informs you about a call. Turn over it to check caller identity and place the phone face down again if desired.

-fix:forceclose on start - Many thanks to Phil


Yes Planner Yes Planner v1.1

5-in-1 Ultimate Success Tool for Sales and MLM Professionals.


Happy Resturant Happy Resturant v1.4

Happy Restaurant is a business simulation game which runs on tactics. With your wisdom,you make it become bigger and richer,bring spectacular traffic and huge revenue.
You are the boss of the restaurant,you don't need to do everything by yourself,you just hire people and make decisions. Staff will follow your order and work together to run business everyday!


Ezan Vakti Ezan Vakti v2.2.1

✔Online Hatim Paylaşımı. (Ayet,Sure,Sayfa,Cüz Bazında)
Sizde bir Cüz, Sure, Sayfa veya Ayet okuyarak bir hatim setinin tamamlanmasına vesile olabilirsiniz.
✔ Kütüphane özelliği eklendi
✔ Aşrı Şerifler.(İlgili Vakit otomatik açılır).
✔ Tesbihatlar. (İlgili Vakit otomatik açılır)
✔ Cevşen Arapça.
✔ Cevşen Türkçe Meal ve Transkiripsiyon.
✔ Namaz Dua Ve Sureleri
✔ Yakındaki Camileri bulma (Google Hizmeti)
✔ menu tasarımı değişti
✔ online kabe


WlanDecrypter Pro WlanDecrypter Pro v1.2

WlanDecrypter Pro.

Inyector automático de claves WEP por defecto para redes WLAN_XX de los routers de Telefonica Movistar, y para redes JAZZTEL_XX de los routers de Jazztel.

Automatic tester WEP default key for network WLAN_XX and JAZZTEL_XX.


Dolphin Webzine Dolphin Webzine v1.0

Bring elegance to web browsing:
*Display web content beautifully like a magazine.
*Cache content to be available offline
*With one tab, you can see all the latest articles of your favorite website, then another tap will take you the beautifully formatted page.
*You can select content from over 300 sources on topics including lifestyle, music, technology, business and many others including updates from Facebook and Twitter.


Tiny Classroom Tiny Classroom v1.2.8

Tiny Classroom Flash Cards is a feature rich flash card application for foreign language study. Tiny Classroom now provides free access to flash card learning lists for 30 separate languages!

+ Flash card mode
+ Written answers
+ Auto play flash cards
+ List View and filters
+ Import flash cards from web
+ Import or edit flash cards on phone

More flash card features coming soon in version 1.3

Ad supported


Gunjan Gunjan v1.0

Gunjan brings to your phone more than 10,000 Bollywood Hindi Film Songs with videos directly from YouTube. Find your favorite songs old or new, classic or modern with her powerful search engine. If you know something about the song – song title, movie, singer, actor, music director, year of release – Gunjan will find it for you in a jiffy. Her database covers 60 years of Bollywood Music from 1950 to 2010. Get her Now and Enjoy ! For more information, visit


Payal Payal v1.0

Payal brings to your phone more than 10,000 Bollywood Hindi Film Songs with videos directly from YouTube. Find your favorite songs old or new, with her powerful search engine, create playlists and make your phone into a juke box. Her database covers 60 years of Bollywood Music from 1950 to 2010. Get her Now and Enjoy!
For more information, visit


SlideMyTiles! SlideMyTiles! v1.0.7

SlideMyTiles! is a version of the classic sliding n-puzzle games (the most known are 8-puzzle and 15-puzzle).

Slide the tiles to complete the picture or to sort the numbers, but do it in the right way and as quickly as you can to get the higher score.

You can play with pictures or numbers, with puzzles from 3x3 to 10x10 pieces.


Palavras em inglês Palavras em inglês v1.4

Tente "Palavras em inglês", um jogo educativo para aprender 5.000 palavras mais freqüentes no idioma Inglês. "Palavras em inglês" combina métodos científicos e mecânica de jogo de vídeo para a aprendizagem de línguas eficaz. Então venha se divertir e aprender um pouco de Inglês!


Các từ tiếng Anh Các từ tiếng Anh v1.1

Bạn đang học tiếng Anh và muốn mở rộng vốn từ vựng của bạn? Hãy thử "từ tiếng Anh cho người Việt Nam", một trò chơi giáo dục cho học 5.000 từ thường gặp nhất trong ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh. "Từ ngữ tiếng Anh cho người Việt Nam" thành công kết hợp các phương pháp khoa học và cơ học trò chơi video cho việc học ngôn ngữ hiệu quả. Vì vậy, đến có một số vui vẻ và tìm hiểu một số tiếng Anh!


NX SIM - IOS Simulator NX SIM - IOS Simulator v1.0.4

You can only learn so much by reading. In order to become a Cisco pro and get the confidence you need to pass the Cisco certification exams, you need lots of hands-on practice as well! With NX SIM, you can gain that experience. Interact with virtual Cisco routers and switches via their terminal interfaces just like you would in the real world. Follow the 14 hands-on labs ( broken into almost 50 sub labs ) designed specifically for the CCNA Routing & Switching exams ( CCENT / ICND1 and ICND2 ).


Spacedraw Spacedraw v1.3.3

full-featured 3d-modeling software
designed for tablets and smartphones

new ways of viewing, drawing and modeling

• drawing / constructing lines, curves and primitives
• polygon- and patch-modeling
• lighting, materials, texture mapping
• 3d-painting

efficient and intuitive use of multi-touch and motion-sensors throughout

adapts to almost any Android-device, highly configurable

aimed at both professionals and novices


Squid Sudoku Squid Sudoku v1.3.2

The classic number puzzle game Sudoku with bright, colorful squids as well as the classic number tiles (your choice).
