
b-noted b-noted v1.6.5.4

b-noted is a notepad app that makes it easy to create notes and organize them using folders, tags, color-labels and/or favorites.

Add comments, pictures, links, phone-numbers and much more to your notes, search them, export them to Dropbox, organize them. A note, memo, emails, messages, todo's, ideas, experiences and much more? Put them in b-noted, and never forget them again.

Your notes will become your digital memory and a valuable tool for your information management.


StyleNote StyleNote v2.1.1

Write colorful notes & memos with rich styles and organize with custom notebooks.


Ghost Commander Ghost Commander v1.51

Ghost Commander is a two panels file manager like Norton|Midnight|Total Commander.


VideoShow VideoShow v3.7.0 cn

VideoShow is No.1 video editor for Android, complete free, no watermark!


NOOK NOOK v4.5.2.50

Sample any NOOK Book for FREE or any newsstand subscription FREE for 14 days.


Bulk SMS Bulk SMS v2.5.12

Group SMS utility:
- Send to groups or indiv. for keyword enabled templates (ex. $name)
- Easily to pick contacts/groups synced with Google Contacts
- Remember & reuse recent sent items (contacts, sms)
- Support blast SMS via Google Voice
- Send from .csv file

kw: group sms text mass bomb template bulk message messaging


Handex Handex v0.2.0

Handex let the user open a file, as a text file, and build an index, through searching words.

It is useful with any text file with a defined structure, as the guides at gamefaqs, recipes, e-books, and so on...

NOTE: Handex is not an editor!


If you liked this app, please remember to write down a review and/or to vote!


A-note A-note v1.7

RFM A-Note: free and sure (you will never lost a note) Notepad text editor for your Android device. No ads. No banners.. REALLY FREE


Secure Note Secure Note v1.1

Simple notepad application with security.


AndText AndText v1.2

It is an android text editor,support create a new,open,save,save as file,and support multiple charset.


Spell Checker Spell Checker v1.23

A spell checker application to easily spell check text as well as put in some simple html features and then send it off to your favorite application. Allows other developers to easily integrate this editor into their applications with intents.

*Permission required for ads
*Not all applications will accept html text


VerbTeX VerbTeX v3.6.1

The free, collaborative LaTeX Editor for your Android device


Scribtor Lite Scribtor Lite v1.25

Notepad and a text editor application for the android platform.


WalletPro Demo WalletPro Demo v1.9.1

WalletPro is an application for Android Phones which gives you a safe and secure way to store all of your personal and/or business critical information.


Breaking News Breaking News v3.6.1

Breaking News is the fastest way to get the facts on breaking stories


TofuNotes TofuNotes v2.4.3

The most elegant and user friendly note editor on slideME, for free!
