Need help with high school physics problems? This is just the app for you!
A free music player with all features in one package
Wireless MIDI controller for your favorite DJ application.
N64 Emulator emulates the Nintendo 64 game console. It will run Nintendo 64 games on your Android phone or tablet.
*optimized for Android devices
*landscape mode emulation
*Save/load games.
The iClock android app is an exact replica of the iPhone's clock app. This is completely rewritten in Java for Android. Its has all the features that the iPhone version has.
Tablet Browser allows your capable Android tablet and Android phone to emulate popular tablet platforms. Render web sites deigned for iPad or other mobile tablet devices. Instead of seeing Android versions of web sites, you can quickly and easily view web pages rendered just like you can on your BlackBerry PlayBook, Apple iPad, Amazon Kindle, and Motorola XOOM tablets.
The SlideME Application Manager (SAM) app provides access to a curated list of the very best of Android applications available from SlideME. All our apps are manually approved and tested on a wide variety of devices, to make sure you get the best experience possible on your device, from your device.
Tiger Arcade(MAME) Emulator
Have fun with CPS1,CPS2,NEOGEO games
MAME4droid is a version of iMAME4all (iPhone, iPad) for Android, all of them developed by David Valdeita (Seleuco), port of MAME 0.37b5 emulator by Nicola Salmoria and TEAM, and it is based on GP2X, WIZ MAME4ALL 2.5 by Franxis.
Desktop Browser allows your capable Android tablet and Android phone to render web sites in native desktop view. Instead of seeing mobile versions of web sites, you can quickly and easily view web pages rendered just like you can on your computer. No more limited function mobile sites if your Android device can handle it.
WPSPIN. WPS PIN Wireless Auditor.
Default PIN generator for routers with WPS active, invoking WiFi settings. WPA command-line client generator to allow interact with wpa_supplicant through wpa_cli. Instruction execution generator for Bully, Reaver and Reavermod programs, and allows the direct implementation in the bcmon application or Terminal application.