
ConvertPro+ All Converter FREE ConvertPro+ All Converter FREE v1.4.1

From basic measurement, discount calculator, tip computation and currency exchange rate to complex science conversions.
Your free powerful most complete unit converter and computation app for your everyday use, quick and easy with clean interface.


Doodle Camera Free Doodle Camera Free v1.3.4

This is a must-try doodle camera. Sketches of landscapes and portraits will look like it's been professionally done. Preview the effects in real time. It is an entertainment to look through the camera and see the world as a doodle. Share your photos with your friends.


JustReader JustReader v1.0.10

Read your favorite feeds anywhere you want!


Zelda Ringtones Zelda Ringtones v2

Over 30 sounds to use for Ringtones, Notifications, or just a Soundboard! Sounds are separated by Ringtones (Long) and Notifications (Short). Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword and more are represented! All recent updates are due to your comments and emails!


Rock Radio Pro Rock Radio Pro v1.1

Rock Radio Pro on Android Devices.


Beat Your Boss Pro Beat Your Boss Pro v1.1

Frustrated? Aggressive? Angered? Here is the therapy!!


Attack Breaker Pro Attack Breaker Pro v2.02

Break bricks in HUNDREDS of levels using up to 100 balls at once in this arkanoid / breakout style game! Complete the challenges to increase your ball count in the normal game.


Missed Call Messenger Lite Missed Call Messenger Lite v1.3.6

Similar to Google Voice, this app will send you a message if you miss a phone call. This is very helpful when you are not near your phone and miss a phone call.


gReader gReader v2.8.8

gReader is an unofficial Google Reader client for Android. Read all your rss/feed news in one place with Google Reader, where keeping up with your favorite websites is as easy as checking your email.

More on


Notification Ringtone Maker Notification Ringtone Maker v1.1.0

Edit and create all the notification sounds and ringtones for your android device, and your messaging programs and favorite social networks, text to voice, voice changer or from your own music, enjoy it!


Password Safe Pro Password Safe Pro v2.0.5.4

Discontinued. Please update from Android Market.


CreateAWrestler CreateAWrestler v1.6

Create and customize a wrestler (dress up).


Fuzz Radio Pro Fuzz Radio Pro v6.0

Listen to police radios live. Be the first to know about important events, or any major crime waves happening in your town. Tap into a collection of over 5000 police and fire radios, weather radios and amateur radio repeaters from around the world.


Total Call Recorder Total Call Recorder v2.0.6

Simply record phone calls based on your preset rules


Note Monger Note Monger v2.0.017


Take notes, anytime, quick, anywhere.

Note Monger is a note taking app for Android devices. It's right on the spot to make your life easier: fast, straight forward and easy to use.

With Note Monger you can keep track of all the information you do not want to forget. Manage your personal to-do list, remember action items, take photo notes or use reminders.


Conference Manager Conference Manager v1.4

Conference calling at your fingertips : Automate all your conference needs


Voice FS caller Id Lite Voice FS caller Id Lite v1.8

Let your phone display a full screen image of your caller. Also let it speak out the caller's name or a customized message for that caller. It can also read aloud the sender's name and the body of an sms text message. Voice sound is guaranteed to be clear for all type of phones.


City Live Wallpaper City Live Wallpaper v1.6

Amazing HD graphics and customizations that bring boring screen to life.


Live BlackJack 21 Pro Live BlackJack 21 Pro v2.2

Play live the #1 Multiplayer BlackJack game on the Android market!


My Home Page My Home Page v1.0.3 Beta

A unique app that allows you to customize your browser's home page using your favorite links so they are easily accessible. You can organize them into folders and enjoy several home page themes and styles.
