A wallpaper Slideshow For setting up your favorite wallpapers to your screen with various customization options.
Logicalc is a programmer's logical calculator
Finally, your phone can speak!
The application uses and shows data from the ΟΤΕ phonebook. Contains over 6,000,000 landlines and mobiles 1,000,000.
It offers search by:
*Internet access is required to use this application, additional data charges may apply if roaming or not connected to Wi-Fi.
Sego - The easiest way to send image, file and text between Phone, PC and Tablet. No cables, no email accounts, no annoying bluetooth settings! share images, files, web links, text between your phone, computer, tablet and other users easily with Sego.
See how the asteroid belt might look like.
Secret Santa takes the hassle out of gift giving. Usually done within large families or organizations, the Secret Santa game is simply a way to give gifts randomly and anonymously to someone else without having to purchase a gift for everyone in the group (which can get expensive).
Estou aprendendo alfabeto português
Achieve insane vantage point by controlling camera remotely.
The complete guitar practice solution.
Whether you are a beginner looking to develop a solid foundation or a pro level guitarist looking for a challenge, this app has something for everyone.
Ultimate Volume Control Pro-Unique android volume control addon
TodoToday Pro for Voo2do is a simple task manager application to show current due and overdue tasks from Voo2do.com
Truck Physics Pro
Got the need for speed?
do you know Verduggi likes speed as well as you do?
Are you the competitive type looking for an adventure and adrenaline full challenge?
Parking SMS Scheduler is Android application for paying parking over SMS messages. You can schedule that parking SMS message be sent after few minutes or at any specific date and time. Also you can set how long you want to park your car and all SMS messages will be sent automatically when it's needed.
Currently the online list of cities contains most of the cities in the following countries:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia
AutoProfiles by 5Pro-Software is a perfect profiles creator and scheduler for your mobile.
*Predict the score and teams of Quarter and Semi Winners*
ICC Cricket World CUP 2011. Very interesting event of the international cricket. This app will let you know about the groups, teams in each groups. You can know the whole schedule of this mega event. Yes, also can watch live macthes through this application! Can read the world records of the players from different teams.
Very useful feature of this app is that you can know about the surroundings of the hosting countries.
This manual includes the following sections:
Introduction to Zend Framework
Learning Zend Framework
Zend Framework Reference
Zend Framework Requirements
Zend Framework Migration Notes
Zend Framework Coding Standard for PHP
Zend Framework Documentation Standard
Recommended Project Structure for Zend Framework MVC Application
Zend Framework Performance Guide
Hide text messages, create hidden contacts.
It's disguised as "FuzzyBalls".
When you open the app, you would see bouncing balls. But wait till you see what happens when you shake the mobile.
Shake the mobile, enter password and you are in. Here you can do settings, send text messages, check the hidden messages.
No one will come to know that anything like text/sms hiding app even exists on the phone! Even notifications are disguised.
InstantPanorama draws detailed 360° views and names all visible mountains and mountain ranges.
The system features 340 000 named mountain peaks and mountain ranges.