Can you handle the pressure and keep your wits while you try and disarm the bomb before time runs out.
Compete with others by posting your highest score online.
The classic photo-hunting game is on Android! And now it's free!!
Can you spot 5 differences between the high quality pictures before the time runs out?
Ever wondered which movies were filmed at or near your current location?
Location Scout is a mobile application that helps you discover filming locations for thousands of movies via information compiled by the Internet Movie Database.
Find your next dream job for free with Hire*A*Droid!
PAYE TAX Calculator is an application for calculating UK Tax on your earnings (Pay As You Earn). It produces details calculation including Total Allowance, Tax Due, Employee and Employer National Insurance. This is a free version which does not guaranty update on time and may contain advertisement.
If you like this application, please do not hesitate to buy the paid version which is advert free and update will be available as soon as Tax rate/details has changed.
Enigmanoid is a Tool to manage and control a Enigma2 based Dreambox SAT Receiver.
Kidroid, An educational game for Kids
Developed by QuinDev
Chain Gang knows most every sit down restaurant chain in America. Instantly shows which locations are closest to you, where your closest favorite is and more. Voice or touch activated. Chain radar and pointers guide you to locations. See for complete details.
Chain Gang knows most every fast food chain in America. Instantly shows which locations are closest to you, where your closest favorite is and more. Voice or touch activated. Chain radar and pointers guide you to locations. See for complete details.
Futuristic motorcycles race to the death in a 3D arena. This is a twitch arcade-style game with full 3D features and effects. Play for speed or try to beat the campaign. This is a free, basic version. Press menu for settings.
v1.2d - Performance improvements and CLIQ Support
Problems? Please email us for support!
BlackJack Pro Free is BlackJack for serious Vegas BlackJack players.
View the FBI most wanted lists. Including: top ten most wanted, missing children, most wanted terrorists, most wanted for murder, + more.
* Enlarge photos by clicking the thumbnail.
* Submit a tip to your local office.
* Menu for more.
* View detailed page.
(Check here if the summary does not contain a photo.)
Amazing tool for making cartoons directly on the mobile phone and social application in one! You can direct Your unique stories, using built-in sprites or draw Your own. Have fun with Cartoon Gang!
Now You can use it for making original Christmas wishes!
important: before installing it, please uninstall trial version!
BlackJack Trainer is a training aid for improving BlackJack card counting skills.
RockOn is a music player for Android. It has a nice all-graphic UI interface, location-aware concert info and automatic album art. It is the player of choice if you prefer browsing your music library by album art.
Gridz is the new addictive brain game from Urbian. Hours of game play, hours of fun.
Gridz is easy to learn. Simply watch an array of animated tiles flip and and try and follow the target tile!
Gridz is a way to have fun, test and strengthen your pattern recognition and memory skills - download it now, for free.
SolarTransporter is a free 3D-Game. The aim of the game is to transport a given number of passengers to their favoured positions in 3 minutes per level. There are 7 levels, 7 bonus levels, many objects like asteroids and 2 highscores. Use the accelerometer to control the transporter! Do not forget to calibrate it!
View the FBI most wanted lists. Including: top ten most wanted, missing children, most wanted terrorists, most wanted for murder, cyber crimes, and more.
* Tap photos to enlarge.
* Submit a tip (menu).
* Menu for more.
English to Morse, Morse to English Translator
Jumble solver – solves almost any jumble thrown at it! Huge dictionary. Add words, share words. See for full details.