AstroComputer takes your date, time, and city of birth and creates a full color horoscope chart.
2015 Astrology is used to give advice on matchmaking by means of signs, 2015 horoscope, zodiac sign analysis, and 2015 numerology. (This program is provided for entertainment purposes only.)
For the first time ever, an App that will keep you updated for all the latest news for the antipolo stake youth.
Suggest, Comment, Report and Interact!
- Schulfächer verwalten
- Noten verwalten
- Hausaufgaben verwalten
- Add Subjects
- Add/Edit Marks
- Add/Edit Homework
TAKEphONE will change the way you use your phone to
make calls - no more having to open the G1 keyboard to search
for contacts, or fiddling with the tiny on-screen keyboard
buttons, fast & easy access to all your favorites, call-log
and even a dial-by-photo feature !
Athkar ("أذكار الصباح و المساء") is Arabic Android app targets to help Muslims around the world to pray and Do3aa any times and any where they go.
An Application for all students. It keeps a log of your attendance in every subject. The App also notifies you when and if you have a lecture on that day.
It is the Day of your life! You are going to make it! You have few minutes in which you have to make them believe that you are the best!
How do you impress in these few minutes? By being well prepared and acting according to the situation. Remember they will also critically watch you and make that decision.
It is the Day of your life! You are going to make it! You have few minutes in which you have to make them believe that you are the best!
How do you impress in these few minutes? By being well prepared and acting according to the situation. Remember they will also critically watch you and make that decision.
Customize your favorite audio/music/mp3 tag efficiently including album art.
AuDsms v1.0 helps the User to listen their incoming sms.
AuDtxt v1.0 helps you to listen to your text files when our app speaks it for you.
Required Android SDK 2.0
The Positive Alternative Air 1 , a Contemporary Christian pop radio music, a Gospel music station, has been brought to you by AunnDroid Software LLC.
Version: 1.0 Beta
"No Affiliation with Educational Media Foundation"
Live AFL scores, stats, news for your mobile. Plus so much more.
* Live stats
* Twitter News
* Video News
* Team and Player Stats
* Player Injuries
* Too many to mention
This Application is Camera Application to Take Picture Automatically.
The objective of this Android application is to free the user of replying in difficult situations (like driving) or to enable the phone of answering when it is not with the user.
AutoProfiles by 5Pro-Software is a perfect profiles creator and scheduler for your mobile.
Aplicația Auto Rovinieta verifica în funcție de numărul de înmatriculare și seria sașiului dacă exista rovinieta valabila , în caz afirmativ este afișată data ultimei zile valabile. Se poate adauga un numar nelimitat de masini si se poate salva pentru fiecare pe langa data de expirare a rovinietei si data de expirare a ITP-ului si a RCA-ului.
Turn your car's sound system into an intelligent sound system.
Auto Volume Control Pro will automatically adjust the volume of the mobile device, based on the speed you are driving.