Follow your pregnancy every day with hints and reminders!
Toy Truck Parking is a free kids puzzle game that lets you enjoy the fun of controlling a tiny toy truck. Challenge your peers and friends in this tricky and fun puzzle game to make the monster truck flow freely. It is time to learn problem solving and have fun in this creative bridge puzzle truck parking non 3d game for kids and elders as well.
GreenPower battery saver brings many extra hours to your battery life!
"Charge less by extending your battery life with this amazing app""!! (Sprint newsletter)
Have medical questions? Symptify is everything you need in the palm of your hand. Created by top doctors and software engineers Symptify is an online self-assessment tool that uses a customized, patent-pending, algorithmic engine to help users educate themselves about causes of symptoms.
Fun With Colors (For Smartphones)
Are you getting bored sitting indoor? Don't worry, just download this game and experience how coloring could be fun.
Just imagine how would a pink lion look or how would a blue tree look like? Can't imagine? Just try it out with this game and see how fun it is to play with colors.
With more than 60 pictures, let you creativity and imagination flow breaking all barriers.
Fun With Colors HD(For Tablets)
Are you getting bored sitting indoor? Don't worry, just download this game and experience how coloring could be fun.
Just imagine how would a pink lion look or how would a blue tree look like? Can't imagine? Just try it out with this game and see how fun it is to play with colors.
With more than 60 pictures, let you creativity and imagination flow breaking all barriers.
Imagine a box with dice right beneath your display, waiting for being shaken to generate random dice results! The dice in this app react precisely to the movement of your hand by emulating real-world physics, influenced by the acceleration sensors of your device. Now with all standard dice (4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, 12- and 20-sided) and a new kind of dice, the "Magic Dice", which changes its labels randomly on impacts!
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
A lightwieght/minimal transparent file-based music player!
Want to do something about spam? Organize a sit-in! The Sit-In app makes it easy to organize, publicize, and participate in a sit-in demonstration. By staging a sit-in at a spammer client web site, we can discourage the spammer's clients from using spam in the first place.
This version of Sit-In is for Android ICS users. It can directly save the event to the user's calendar, something earlier versions of Android could not do. This one will not function on earlier versions of Android.
Seven Stars is a never seen before game providing a lot of entertainment for puzzle aficionados. As simple as popping bubbles with remarkably well-designed and appealing visuals and sound effects.
Secretly record audio 24/7 in the background.
BodyCal is a full body calculator that will assist you in reaching health goals!
The Only app for creating awesome greetings. Create your own greetings for Christmas and other occasions and share with your friends via Facebook.
This is a brainwave entrainment pack featuring three sessions, Accelerated Healing Isochronic, Immune System Boost Isochronic and DNA Repair Isochronic Tone Session, designed to bring you into a deep delta state of relaxation where the greatest healing, growth and regeneration occurs. You can use these session with an ancient Yoga technique known as Pranayama. The complete Pranayama steps are included in the app.
Check the state of motor oil, and perform the rapid diagnosis of vehicle engine.
Straight lines are so 20th century.
Block Madness is an addictive block matching game with physics. Blocks move in dynamic arrangements that are always changing instead of staying in boring static rows. Compete against your friends and climb the online leaderboards.
Shapetopia is a block matching game with physics. The blocks are different shapes and different colors. The position of the blocks is completely dynamic instead of staying in boring static rows and columns. Compete against your friends and climb the online leaderboards.
Application to teach children basic concepts such as letters, numbers and words.
Application to teach children basic concepts such as letters, numbers and words.