Quick switch tasks from notification bar.
Кримінальний кодекс України — єдиний законодавчий акт України, який регулює правовідносини, що виникають внаслідок вчинення особою кримінально караного суспільно небезпечного діяння, зокрема встановлює підстави та обсяг кримінальної відповідальності.
Кримінальний кодекс України прийнятий Верховною Радою України 5 квітня 2001 року та набрав чинності з 1 вересня 2001 року.
Minglebox’s CAT Prep Andoid app – Beta version
A unique android app, first of its kind that helps Indian students to Prepare for CAT/XAT/MAT/SNAP/GK Prep through their android mobiles.
Challenge to try to erase the shortest recording four numbers in order!
Four numbers will come out when you start the game.
If the blue block, touch the small order.
If the block is red, touch in descending order.
Recording can be saved for each level up to # 20,
Please to challenge the shortest recording.
Simple but addictive game where your goal is to tap all the number from 1 to 25 as fast as you can.
Quiz über Rheinland-Pfalz - ergattern Sie die 1000.000 Punkte!
Snake Charmer is a dynamic arcade free game in which you need to collect prizes while avoiding touching the walls and crossing itself (except for "Zen" mode). Apart from the main prize - the apples there are secondary prizes : mouse , egg, mushroom. The game has three modes: " Classic " (9 levels) , "Arcade" (one life) , "Zen " (infinite).
Picking is an engaging game that will keep you entertained and will challenge you to play faster and faster every time,… luck also plays big role here!
Enjoy and remember that time is ticking against you,.
..keep picking!
* Featured on Life Hacker and recommended by Motorola! Best and cheapest! *
Browse, transfer, download, upload, delete, copy, rename, stream and manage files that are on your Android device, using a web browser via a WiFi connection.
No more taking your phone apart to get the SD card out or grabbing your cable to access your camera pics or copy across your fave MP3s.
Updated with 1,000 essential new terms--from "whistleblower" to "bailout" The first book of its kind when it was originally published in 1980, Burton's Legal Thesaurus has become a staple for everyone in the legal profession.
You are Santa Claus. The sled came out you gifts. Find them all.
اللعبة التي تلخص الثورات في المنطقة العربية.
A game that summarize the revolution happening in the Arab region.
In this game you have to match pairs, In usual matching games the player is shown both the boxes he/she tries to match, but in order to make the game a little difficult, if you select to non-similar pair you will not be shown the second one. You can put flags of different colors, to help you remember your guess about the box. Have fun !
From Abilify to Zyrtec and nearly every drug in between, Mosby's Drug Reference for Health Professions, 3rd Edition is the must-have item for every current or aspiring health professional in the field today. Filled with the details you need to know about your clients' or patients' medications, this edition features concise, reliable information that is easy to navigate and simple to follow.
A useful guide to everyday American English to help you understand meanings and avoid difficulty in translation.
El més extens i complet de la llengua catalana. Preu de llançament: 49.99€! (preu del diccionari en paper: 78.00€). Conté 172.000 definicions, frases fetes i locucions. Inclou etimologia, exemples d'ús, verbs conjugats, neologismes, terminologia, partició sil•làbica, prefixos i sufixos, abreviacions i moltes coses més.
GemDrop is a fun and addictive physics-based puzzle-game for Android.
Control bar Widget with different colors (like Cyan) and dimensions.
GPS (direct)
Sync (direct)
SD MediaScanner
Reboot (root)
Wifi Hotspot
USB Tether
Audio Manager
Quadrant is a CPU, I/O and 3D graphics benchmark.
Flipx is a 10 level board switching game. By selection of a disk, disks situated on diagonals flips their state. When all disk's color is white the game steps to the next level by increasing with 1 the number of rows and columns. First few levels are relative easy, the complexity of higher levels guarantees enjoyable busy hours.