Hotel Booker allows you to find information on hundreds of thousands of hotels worldwide, including reviews, photos, the location on a map and detailed information about each one.
Using the "Nearby Hotels" feature, you can also see all the hotels in your vicinity. Check availability and book directly on your phone.
Quote On The Go is the first of its kind application for the Android Platform. It is a Project Manager that allows to create Projects and send the Quotes to your clients regardless of where you are.
Create your own trip in Thailand.
JTrip recommended attractions and directions that you need.
Let get to know Thailand together.
Funny and simple game. Repeat after Simon and exercise your brain.
Funny quiz game with political maps of the 2010. It is easy to play, but knowledge demanding.
口袋列车时刻表,China Pocket Train Schedules。铁道部官方火车信息数据同步,Android上最快最好用的列车时刻表
Simple and efficient flashlight widget!
Turn ON/OFF LED light.
600 most famous restaurants of Paris. Search by style, budget, metro or district. Single touch dial to book your table.
No internet connection needed.
Send your comments to to get a bonus.
Save the world from the invasion of cockroaches! Smash them as they appear on the screen. Pass all levels, and gain most amount of points!
Green Screen is a funny application for your Android mobile phone that allows you to create, in real-time, the "Chroma Key" or "Green Screen" effect when you are taking a photo. The Chroma Key is an effect often used in movies, interviews and weither forecast broadcasts, where someone (e.g. the meteorologist) stands in front of a green/blue screen, and then a picture (e.g. the weather map) is added on those parts in the image where the color is green/blue.
PingPong - a ping application for Android - tests whether a particular host is reachable. For this, it first tries to use ICMP. If this fails, it utilizes a TCP connection on port 7 (echo). It also measures the round trip time and packet loss.
Works best on WiFi and if host supports ICMP and echo.
Voice-to-voice translation on the go. Quickly translate to and from over 50 languages worldwide, using the latest machine translation technology.
Audiobo is a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and upload audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear.
How often do you go shopping, only to find out you forgot the list at home?! Since your Android is now a permanent appendage on your body, this app makes it easy for you to remember your grocery list. When you run out of something at home, plug it into Grocery Boy. When you shop, Grocery Boy is there! Thank you Grocery Boy!
This application allows:
1/ check of your phone sensors
2/ Centralized Volume manager (alarm, ringer ...)
3/ WIFI access points level cheker
4/ GPS + Google Maps localizer
5/ Battery level checker + screen timeout controller (mainly for an optimal battery life cycle , i.e charge it until 100% and empty it until 0%)
6/ Process checking agent which allows tracking all processes running on your phone and monitor/diagnostic memory usage.