Teletext is a ceefax pages viewer.
Sysinfo shows various informations about the Android(TM) system such as build, settings, display, etc.
ConnectBot is a powerful open-source Secure Shell (SSH) client. It can manage simultaneous SSH sessions, create secure tunnels, and copy/paste between other applications.
This client allows you to connect to Secure Shell servers that typically run on UNIX-based servers. See Wikipedia for more information on Secure Shell.
AccuTracking software turns your Android phone into a GPS tracking device.
Mobeegal - mobile search. redefined. - from Google ADC Winners. Search for anything under the Sun, and Enjoy the Fun.
AndTip is a Tip-Calculator for Android. It calculates the variable amount of tip to be added on a bill in a restaurant. It can calculate the share between one to twenty persons.
AndWeather provides a 4 day weather forecast for any location on the world. It can handle both °Fahrenheit and °Celsius.
AndPizza is an Pizza/Egg-Timer for Android. The time can easily be adjusted to a desired duration. When the time ran out, the phone will vibrate and an alarm will sound.
Get the latest news to your phone with the OpenIntents News Reader. Subscribe to popular feeds or add your favourite blog and be always up-to-date. Feeds are automatically updated. Offline reading possible.
Golf Tracks is a simple score calculator and handicap tracking application. Including golf course mapping with Google Maps.
A free tip calculator for dividing up the bill!
Now including a field for putting in your sales tax to calculate the tip before the tax was added.
Also, added a menu item to save your sales tax.
The OpenIntents Shopping list lets you keep track of your shopping items. You can also use it for other kinds of check lists, for example for ToDo lists or party guest lists.
WordMate is an universal dictionary application.
The OpenIntents Flashlight helps you find your way in the dark.
The display backlight is kept turned on while this application is running.
Twitli 1.80.
Includes showing tweeps on a map, auto update your Twitter location, translation, etc.
Twitli is a lightweight Twitter client. To use Twitli you need an account at
- photo upload to Flickr or Google,
tweet the resulting link
- geolocation based on gps or network
- translation
- DM and @reply
- view friends timeline, @replies,
DMs or a user's timeline
- easy follow and unfollow
- supports Laconica
Grocery List is a simple Android application to replace the paper grocery list.
This is a simple note pad that shows a list of notes. It allows you to create, edit, delete, and send notes.
Gas Trip will allow you to see the cost of your car trip in real time. Simply load up the application, specify your MPG and watch as Gas Trip finds the lowest price of gas in your area and determines how much you are spending based on your speed and distance traveled. You can use this to help split the cost of a carpooling trip, to expense travels for work, to find the cheapest gas in your area with directions, or to simply gain instant knowledge on how much you are spending on gas for the trip you are on.
Calculates height and weight percentiles for children up to six years of age
Runs CaffeineMark benchmark to gauge JVM performance on an Android.