AndWeather! AndWeather! v1.0.0

Download AndWeather!

AndWeather provides a 4 day weather forecast for any location on the world. It can handle both °Fahrenheit and °Celsius.


Parental rating: 
Not rated
Default language: 


Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.0
Minimum screen width: 
320 dpx
Requires features: 
Requires permissions: 
Internet, Vibrate, Write external storage, Read phone state, Read external storage

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Hi, plusminus

I am trying to make a weather application. Do you have the source code to this? What feeds are you using?

give me testing hahaha good

give me testing hahaha
good app

Hi, plusminus, it is fun,

Hi, plusminus, it is fun, Can I ask where to download the source code since I want to try it on my own phone:)

Very nice!

That application is really useful :) It would be nice if you (plusminus) added an option to create shortcut for weather report. For example: I'd like to have report for London, UK and Paris, FR as icons on Home Screen.

Thanks for this great app!

G1 Compatibility

I just updated to G1 compatibility. Have fun.

Nicolas 'plusminus' Gramlich
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Funktioniert nicht für kleinere Orte in Europa

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