Breaking the cycle of continuous hunger and cravings while dieting is one of the most important steps to losing weight, and it is thought that Hoodia supplements could help with sensible weight loss.
Underwater World Live Wallpaper.
John Holt, the "grandfather" of homeschooling, shook up the education establishment.
Conrad reputedly wrote Under Western Eyes (1911) in response to Crime and Punishment, which he detested.
Henri Barbusse's Under Fire: The Story of a Squad (in the original French Le Feu.
Benj Gallander has among the highest short- and long-term returns in North America.
Uncle Vanya is one of Anton Checkov's four major plays.
The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe, focuses on a slave named Uncle Tom to weave a portrayal of the cruelty of slavery, finding redemption in the idea that Christian love can conquer something so destructive.
The most popular novel by Gothic mystery and thriller writer Sheridan Le Fanu.
A collection of poetry and short fiction by Benice Lever, Caroline Davidson.
Isabella L. Bird (1831 - 1904) was a nineteenth-century English traveler, writer.
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Ulysses By James Joyce.
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