
Myrun Myrun v1.0

Welcome to myRUN beta 0.1

myRUN is a fun little app.
Get all your useful information for jogging as a beginner or a professional.


MyCurves MyCurves v2.1

Track your weight, your BMI and discover your ideal weight with MyCurves!


The Pirates Game The Pirates Game v1.14

Solve challenging physics based action puzzles and blast the soldier ragdolls with your cannon in an unique 3D environment!

The Pirate Game is an exciting physics shooting game. The soldiers have retrieved the stolen treasures from the pirates. The pirates, being very angry about the loss of their treasures, decided to raid the mainland, claiming back what they think belongs rightfully to them.


Caffeine Monitor for Adults Caffeine Monitor for Adults v1.2

- simple caffeine monitoring through button pressing
- simple drink logging
- links to many medical and journalist reports on this subject
- keep track of how much caffeine you are taking in through their drinks, foods, and vitamins every day
- less sickness, better sleep
- alerts to when you should have just one more, stop for the day, or enjoy another caffeinated drink!
- pre-installed limit for normal, working adults and university students!
- all the real brands/sizes offline!


Time Of Death Time Of Death vbecki

The Time of Death calculator is not one of those "when will/how will you die" bits of fun, but is based on the Henssge nomograms for the calculation of when a person dies


Utilsplit Utilsplit v1.2

Share utility bills (electricity, water, gas, etc.) with your roomates/housemates/flatmates easiliy and fairly.


Complex Calculator Complex Calculator v1.0.1

Complex Number Calculator


Biorhythms Biorhythms v1.2.1

The program calculates personal biorhythms predictions for the selected date for each user, has an easy user interface, allows determine the most dangerous days in the month and makes biorhythm calculations with high accuracy.


Love Quotes Love Quotes v1.1.2

Want to inspire your relationship and spark the romance? Love Quotes just might have the words you're looking for. This fun app contains hundreds of romantic love quotes from men and women from all walks of life.

You can put a romantic love quote in a love letter to your partner or send them a love quote via text message as a surprise during a tough day.

You can also save your favorite love quotes for easy and quick review later on, or share these love quotes via SMS or e-mail.


SleepCycles SleepCycles v3.0

Sleep Cycles provides an interface to find the perfect time to fall asleep or wake up. It utilizes researched methods to decide the optimal time to setup alarms.

By using the proper sleep cycle at night, you will feel more refreshed when you wake up.


My BMI My BMI v1.2

Follow your body mass index (BMI) and your fat body index.
View yours averages suit your preferences: 15 days, 1 month, 3 months, all the data.


Swift Tip Calculator Swift Tip Calculator v1.3

Swift Tip Calculator - When you're done eating at a restaurant, just take out your phone and calculate your tip!


A Better Date Calculator FREE A Better Date Calculator FREE v1.0.16

Easy to use, multi-functional Date Calculator/Age Calculator/Unixtime converter/Timezone calculator/Leap Year calculator.


BMI plus. Weight assistant BMI plus. Weight assistant v2.0.4

More than simple BMI calculator.
Find your optimum weight. Check your weight with other methods than BMI. Find out your BMR - how many calories deliver daily.
Use BMI plus, weight assistant!

Supported languages: english, polish, french, italian, spanish, portugese and german.


Brain Lab Brain Lab v1.1

Brain Lab is a Brain and Puzzle game like Brain Age that will get everyone addicted.
Play everyday and improve your short-term memory, your logic, your calculation and your visual skills.
Brain Lab is also an educational game that is addressed at audiences of all ages.


Gregorian Calendar Gregorian Calendar v1.1

This application shows on a month basis any date in the Gregorian calendar.
The date of Easter for any requested year is also calculated.


BMI Calculator BMI Calculator v1.0

Calculate your Body Mass Index easily with this simple app.

Both metric and impreial units are supported.


TrexScore TrexScore v2.0

This is a score calculator for the Trex or Trix game. It helps save you time (and paper) by keeping track of the score. This is an add-supported version.


TrexScorePro TrexScorePro v1.0

This is a score calculator for the Trex or Trix game. It helps save you time (and paper) by keeping track of the score. This version does not have ads and supports scoring in teams mode and individual mode


AquaCalc AquaCalc v1.2

Calculator for all aquarium enthusiasts!!!
