
Coloring horses and ponies Coloring horses and ponies v15.4.7

Paint beautiful horses. Coloring book of ponies to paint or draw.


Ninja Strike Warrior Ninja Strike Warrior v1.1

Ninja Strike Warrior is a crazy game. You are the ninja, the one who walks in the shadows.


Moto Stunt Mania Moto Stunt Mania v1.4

*** Video Preview Included ***
Now can be played on browser via

Ready, Set and Go!!
Challenge yourself and test your skills in this crazy motorbike stunt game.


Video To Mp3 Video To Mp3 v1.0

Easily convert your video into MP3


Calculator Calculator v1.3

Perform simple calculations through handwriting recognition or using the keypad


Praise to the Five Dhyani Buddhas Praise to the Five Dhyani Buddhas v1.2

In Vajrayana Buddhism, the Five Dhyani Buddhas, also known as the Five Wisdom Tathāgatas, the Five Great Buddhas and the Five Jinas (Sanskrit. for "conqueror" or "victor"), are representations of the five qualities of the Buddha.


Osef Osef v0.3.0b

Osef lets a group of people, even ones that doesn't know each other, to create a collective photo album, wherein, each participant can contribute photos, comments and invite new participants.

Osef enables quick and real time sharing, without the prior need of exchanging emails, social network information, etc,.

Each album/ albums can be password locked, and the application can be used for free - no registration is required!


NestMe NestMe v1.0

The objective of NestMe is to guide a dropped egg into its nest! Seems simple, right?! That's what everyone says until you experience a gust of wind, a fast falling egg, a bipolar nest that moves and find it self some times in a tree! Crazy right?!? By swiping on the screen, you draw lines to help direct the egg to land safely in the nest! Yes, the egg is yelling NestMe!

Play the 30 exciting levels of NestMe now!


BMI plus. Weight assistant BMI plus. Weight assistant v2.0.4

More than simple BMI calculator.
Find your optimum weight. Check your weight with other methods than BMI. Find out your BMR - how many calories deliver daily.
Use BMI plus, weight assistant!

Supported languages: english, polish, french, italian, spanish, portugese and german.


Set the table Set the table v1.0.1

The application contains detailed descriptions of the silverware and dinnerware, to lay on the table for different meal times. From the usual breakfast to a formal dinner. In addition, "How to set the table" collected many items of silverware and glasses with a brief description. On top of everything in the "How to set the table" contains a list of about 40 ways to fold a napkin in detail. Napkins is an integral part of decor to make your setting completed.


SevenHundredWallpapersGallery SevenHundredWallpapersGallery v1.0

Free wallpaper package includes:
1) Who is the Egyptians president? Meen el Rayes?
2) Revolution of Egyptians – One Strong Hand
3) El7a2ony – Fire on town
4) Fabulous Rasoul Allah Muhammed (P)
5) Smoky Droid


Rasool Allah Rasool Allah v1.0

A stunning live wallpaper featuring a spirit of Islam in your device by the name of Rasoul Allah "Muhamed/Muhammed"(P)…download it for free

عربي: خلفيه إسلاميه متحركه رائعه تحوي إسم خاتم المرسلين وسيد العالميين سيدنا محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم ... حملها مجانا علي جهازك


My CCNA Guide Beta My CCNA Guide Beta v1.0

My CCNA Guide Beta is the application every network technician,associate as well as students should have. Learning by practicing is the approach of this application.
There are two type of practice tests, one to learn and another to test. How To's will give you knowledge to work with cisco devices and protocols and other configurations.
A simple easy command sheet is available for quick reference. As a whole this application is the complete CCNA Guide.


The Scratch Quiz The Scratch Quiz v1.0

Are you really as good as you think at guessing what pictures are?


Troll Attack Troll Attack v1.2

Dare you cross paths with this angry mountain Troll in this epic 3D live wallpaper inspired by Tolkien's world from the Hobbit.


Sudoku Sudoku v14.9.3

Sudoku: brain training
Download for free Sudoku, a number puzzle and one of the funniest and most entertaining time killers.
The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", "regions", or "sub-squares") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
You must not repeat the number in the same row, column or grid.


Red Riding Hood Red Riding Hood v14.5.25

Now you can enjoy “Little Red Riding Hood” and customize the story adding your child's and their friends' names to it. A free tale in English to read to your kids whenever you want or as a bedtime story.


Dot Fight Dot Fight v1.0.4

Connect the dots. Make lines and shapes. Free color-matching & connection puzzle


Diego Run Diego Run v1.0

The soccer game that you all expect is now available on Android and is completely free. Do not miss the opportunity to have Diego on your Android device and a soccer game without imitations!


The bible for children The bible for children v15.4.7

Coloring beautiful photos. Bible draws for kids.
Paint drawings and biblical images of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Ideal for the kids to have contact with the well known Bible references. As the ark of noe or Adam and Eve, among other passages with Jesus, Mary, the Magi or the Last Supper.
All images have been acquired by the company for exclusive use. These images are the copyright and belong to their author.
