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"The Little Witch at School" is an artful blend of stories, games and cartoons.
Find the Word is a puzzle game in which you will have to reassemble letters to articulate a valid word.
The retro ambiance is a tribute to the sixties and provides a very peaceful environment for concentration.
"The Little Witch at School" is an artful blend of stories, games and cartoons.
The application uses and shows data from the ΟΤΕ phonebook. Contains over 6,000,000 landlines and mobiles 1,000,000.
It offers search by:
*Internet access is required to use this application, additional data charges may apply if roaming or not connected to Wi-Fi.
SwiftChat is the global network to meet and chat with new people and do fun things!
Some time ago an old professor travelled around the world searching for the most amazing shadows. He painted all of them in an old book: the Book of Shadows.
But he lost this book too, just like what happened to the Book of Enigmas.
And now, you found it!
Are you ready to open it and try to solve all the pages?
You see an animation and you guess the phrase or saying it is showing! Can you guess them all?
Will you find all the hidden letters ?
With Lost Words, your goal will be to find all the hidden letters of a given word.
Word search puzzle for all ages and suitable for children to learn vocabulary
Most downloaded Android Cleaner and RAM Booster in the world from a top 10 global developer. Over 100 million users, supporting 32 languages. ☆ Featured by CNET, LA Times, The Boston Globe, XDA & much more.
Stedman's Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols offers quick, easy access to more than 75,000 essential abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols. You'll also find a wide range of appendices on symbols, professional titles and degrees, associations and organizations, chemotherapy and other drug regimens, and clinical trials.
Translate from Esperanto to English anywhere! No Internet required!
Word Pyramid is a free anagram type word game. Get your vocabulary ready to construct Word Pyramid.
This is an offline Dictionary for English to arabic
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
Welcome to Space Crush, a new adventure game taking place in big undiscovered galaxy. In this game you are an Alien flying a UFO and trying to survive in a galaxy full of annoying comets. Your job is to bring the Alien to his base safely. In other words…Do your best not to get hit by any flying comets or planets!
If you don't have your reading glasses or if reading is a problem in the dark then this app will read it out for you! You can hear the received messages present in your inbox by selecting that particular message.
The Freegal® Movies and Television Application is a completely free and legal way to stream movies and television episodes via your local, subscribing library.