Kitchen recipes related to Algeria.
Most recipes are depicted from who is living now in California.
Undecided? Troubled? Ask your question to the tibetan monk and read his words
Application 100% free to watch your Foscam or Heden camera.
Add as many cameras as you want!
A simple yet powerful eBook and ePub reader built to satisfy your mobile reading experience. DNL reader support purchases made from which features eBooks from major publishers and authors around the world.
Really annoying sounds and noises in one app . Great sounds selection and cool pictures ! *Ringtones feature added
-Now you can save and set, your favourite burp as a RINGTONE
GogoDroid is the graphical frontend of gogoc for Android. I made this to provide a more user-friendly interface to control gogoc.
Be Zetta Fast with this app! You can now go straight on the Activity that you need! In this version, there are avaible five shortcut. Be fast user!
Killed Myself!
Fantastic soundboard from your favorite Bad Santa Movie.
Italian televideo and other teletext at your fingertips.
An anti-theft alarm for your Android phone!
Set it on and lock your screen.
If somebody touches your phone, it won't stop ringing until the screen is unlocked.
It is a good idea do use a lock pattern (available under preferences).
On top of all IT IS FREE!
Watch soccer games live! Stream games from online with flash player. Games from all over the world are available.
View the up-to-the-minute soccer scoreboard, league tables and news.
The program is designed for taking pictures - the photo event registration, storing additional data (time, location, GPS coordinates - are stored in the EXIF metadata jpeg-file). A special feature of the program is that the process of shooting can take place in the background - by means of service. You can adjust the interval between shots, and their number. Recording takes place on a circle given the required number of shots - the idea photographic recorder.
Get the greatest pickup lines right on your phone!
KW: Pickup lines, pickup girls, pickup guys, lines, jokes, funny, funny pickup lines, how to talk to girls, how to talk to guys, pickup line, cat call, Pickup lines, pickup girls, pickup guys, lines, jokes, funny, funny pickup lines, how to talk to girls, how to talk to guys, pickup line, cat call
application with real animal sounds, all the animals in your pocket now.Open the application and start to have some fun.Explore a variety of animal calls with this Soundboard.
Application for easy viewing of the BJCP beer/mead style guidelines on your Android phone. What's the difference between an American and an English IPA? Interested in a classic example of a Belgian Pale Ale? Now you can use this handy reference to determine the official answer.
Multi Calculator Lite
Multi Calculator is a multipurpose calculator that features:
-Inflation Calc :counts price value with inflation for future new value.Needed for insurance people.
-Mortgage Calc :counts the monthly mortgage according to mortgage rate and total months of mortgage
-Discount Calc :easily counts discounts price using slide bar
Get full version for unlimited calculation and no ads.
Please email for update request or complain on the apps
The Groan Tube, also known as Magic Noise Tube/Jibba Jabber in other places, is a novelty kiddie toy that always brings amusement to anyone. Packed with a noisemaker inside, a simple tilt upside down brings out a hilarious sound. It makes a distinct 'groan' sound when turned on one end; an 'eeeeeeeww' sound one way, and a 'oowweeeee' sound the other. After technological breakthroughs, you can enjoy your very own Fun Sound Toy in your Android device!