
Website Monitor Website Monitor v1.01

This app checks if your websites are running.
Checks upto 3 sites at once!


aBlackBook aBlackBook v1.6.0

aBlackBook is a lifesaver for people who have active romantic lives (on or offline); use aBlackBook to keep track of the who/when/wheres of your dating life.

Ad-supported; ad-removal key available.


MeetingReply MeetingReply v1.0

When you are in a meeting or you are not convenient to answer a phone call for a while.Just use MeetingReply.


Trip Gps Meter Trip Gps Meter v1.0

Trip Gps Meter is a program for recording trips. It runs Android. It will be useful companion for lovers of historic rallies based roadbook denominated intermediate distances.
- The calculation of the total distance traveled since departure
- The calculation of intermediate distances


Kim Kim v1.0

The orphan Kim, whose father was an Irish soldier, makes his living by begging on the streets of Lahore and running errands.


Carphonuno Carphonuno v1.0

"Carphonuno" is a good art work by Paul Pope. Ozitechnology is offering you the best art work to run on
your Android devices.
Its good application of all age of peoples.
Enoy it for free!


After The Siege After The Siege v1.0

"After the Siege" is a good art work by Danny Parsons. Ozitechnology is offering you the best art work
to run on your Android devices.
Its good application for comic lovers
Enoy it for free!


Heart Heart v1.0

With more Top 10 hits than any other female-fronted music group in history.


Chameleons Colors: Carnival of Illusion Series Chameleons Colors: Carnival of Illusion Series v1.0

Ever since she stumbled into her father’s lab and drank a cocktail of his experiments.


Running for My Life: On the extreme road with adventure runner Ray Zahab Running for My Life: On the extreme road with adventure runner Ray Zahab v1.0

In Ray Zahab's world, a comfortable jog is 30 kilometres, a serious marathon is 200 kilometres.


The Last Word on Power The Last Word on Power v2.0

Today's leaders are reinventing everything but themselves.


God Is an Atheist: A Novella for Those Who Have Run Out of Time God Is an Atheist: A Novella for Those Who Have Run Out of Time v1.0

A profoundly funny romp through religion, spirituality, and the contemporary clash of cultures.


Random Text Twist Random Text Twist v1.0.0

Word Warp is a challenging anagram type of word game in which you try to form as many words as you can out of the six letters you are given before time runs out. You will receive points for each correct word you come up with, but in order to advance to the next level you must enter at least half of the correct words.
Confused? The application offers you a Warp button which will help you in getting more ideas about the words. C'mon folks! get ready for a brain-storming experience.


Oliver Twist: Or the Parish Boys Progress Oliver Twist: Or the Parish Boys Progress v1.0

Oliver Twist is born an orphan and grows up handed from bad position to worse.


In Tune with the Infinite: Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty In Tune with the Infinite: Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty v1.0

There is a golden thread that runs through every religion in the world.


Almayers Folly: A Story of an Eastern River Almayers Folly: A Story of an Eastern River v1.0

A young Dutch trader, Kaspar Almayer, marries Captain Lingard's adopted Malay daughter.


Stammering: Its Cause and Cure Stammering: Its Cause and Cure v1.0

After having stammered for twenty years you have pretty well run the whole gamut of mockery.


Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: The Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom: The Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery v1.0

Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom details the escape of Ellen and William Craft.


Motivateme Motivateme v1.2

There you go, running mile after mile. Some runs are great and others leave you questioning... Why Do I Do This? Download MotivateME for a collection of inspirational quotes that will keep your tennies tied tight and give you a little pep in your next five thousand steps!


Encuentra Mi Coche Premium Encuentra Mi Coche Premium v1.0.3

Park wherever you want and don't worry about remembering where you parked
