Get in the Christmas mood with this fun memory game!
Save your time and make home gardening easy.
ON RULER is a helpful measuring tool for quick measure of small object's length. It helps you to measure the dimension of objects conveniently and accurately with your phone at anytime and anywhere.
This is a quest to reach the pot of honey protected by little honey bees.
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
Hang Me is a classic hangman game – but it’s multiplayer! Challenge your friends and family or try your skills against randomly chosen people.
There are no checks or predefined words; YOU are in control of the game! Therefore, every language is supported. Our random games language picker helps you find people playing in the same language as you are.
Playing solitaire has never been more fun!
Match 3 game with Valentine theme
MakeTen is a simple puzzle game which is adjacent to the sum of the ball vertically and horizontally so that the 10.
A classic Tic Tac Toe with a Cute Ocean theme
New HD Graphic.
Numberland helps kids to learn English numbers in a fun and interactive way.
Super Block Dude is a remake of a game I used to play on the TI-83 calculator back in high school. 11 (for now) levels of block moving, coin collecting fun. Enjoy.
Are you looking for a fun, original and free game? Try BALLS WORLD. MATCH 3 & BURST and you will have a lot of fun!
Defend Earth from the alien space invaders as they swoop and dive-bomb the defending player.
Collect bonus power-ups and use them to destroy the enemies easier.
Fast Arcade Shoot'em up (Shmup) inspired by classic retro games like Galaxian, Galaga and Space Invaders.
Power-up with Blaster rapid fire, Plasma cannon, Side guns etc
Includes the tricky "alien-dodge" from the classic Galaxian plus "chase the flagship" (flagships can escape and appear in the next round)
This is first demo release of app in Turkish. In future versions users would get a list of proper buses by this mobile application, and get having a chance to arrive their destination without losing time by following instructions they got when they selected proper route option.
The ultimate betting tool... Now you have almost everything in one app...
Flap the little wings of the Eros and try to save St. Valentine's Day! Collect hearts and different equipments like shields and bows to protect yourself during the journey! God of Love awaits you!
You like numbers? You'll love this...
Pixel Bubble Dots is a simple game about touching colored bubbles at the right time. Every few seconds new bubbles are generated and you have to touch / tap right ones.