Error: "Maximum Android version: illegal value" when change app description or screenshot

When I change app description or screenshot, I got this error

Maximum Android version: illegal value.

What does it mean and how to fix this problem?

Sounds like an AndroidManifest issue

Check your AndroidManifest.

Seems you may have an error in your AndroidManifest. Double check it and assure Max SDK is indeed higher.


This is my "uses-sdk" section in AndroidManifest


Please tell me where is the problem.
And Can I update description or screenshot without uploading apk file?


Support sent you an email to reply with your attached apk so they can check on your behalf.

Yes, you can update all meta-info without an update of the apk.
An apk update is not compulsory nor does it make any sense to be, to simply make changes to your app profile information.