Unique, entertaining, full of life puzzle, with amazing nature scenes and many features.
Stellar Forces is a turn-based strategy game. You take control of a squad and must defeat your opponents in one of over 70 missions. The missions types include assassination, sabotage, escaping from prison, aliens and capture-the-flag to name but a few.
This is the most fun endless runner style game out there. You have to jump with your player(Square) and have to avoid hitting the simple geometric shaped obstacles. Run Square run is one of the best time killer games out there.
Want to go back in time when we played games to have fun and it was easy to play those arcade games? We developed an oldschool game called Bouncing ball extreme 2.
At last a different roulette game where the casino never wins! In fact, the casino doesn't even play!
The uniqueness of our multiplayer roulette game lies in the fact that you can play against other players, online through the Internet, exactly as you would in a normal casino, but you do not bid against the house but against the other players!
Seems interesting? Why don't you try it yourself? The game is played with no real money, only with free chips so there is no risk at all!
Push ups are one of the best exercise you can make, they develop the muscles of the chest, arms, and the midsection as a whole. They are the base for many more advanced calisthenics exercises.
The program is designed for person who can include push ups training to others and have whole control over it.
With Healee you can easily manage your own personal health records, look up drug information, check for drug/allergy interactions, store your lab results and get medication reminders. Use our free symptom checker to find common symptoms and common causes for your symptoms. Running various reports on your health data and sharing them securely and anonymously with a professional physician has never been easier.
Name and Match takes the classical memory game to a whole new level.
Name and Match takes the classical memory game to a whole new level.
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
Baby Album app lets you manage your baby's pictures, progress, notes , videos and much more.
You memefanatic can’t miss the Modface. The app that is going to make your photomontages easier and faster.
It is simple and fast: take a picture, the app is going to recognize people’s faces and automatically substitute their faces with one of the many memes available.
An original magic cup game you used to love playing now comes right to your phone. Crazy Cup is new way of playing magic cup. It’s fun, interactive, and suitable for everyone.
Small bird fell from the high tree, help him easily descend to the ground.
Have you ever enjoyed a food fight? If not then its the time to do it...
Plan Life Smartly....
The app has been conceptualized to enable you plan, manage and share your Life Events (big & small) like Party (Birthday or other occasions), House Warming, Relocation / Moving, Vacation, Wedding, Baby Shower, Newborn and so on, including your own personally defined event through a simple, easy, and powerful user interface.
Would highly appreciate your rating, comments & feedback...
"Fast Scheduler" is an innovative application that allows users to input the plan on your calendar quickly.
This is a word quiz game.
Tap the Circle as many as you can!
It's extremely simple, but not easy game.