
Auto Camera Auto Camera v1.0.1

This Application is Camera Application to Take Picture Automatically.


Be quiet! Be quiet! v1.2

This application will help temporarily switch your phone's ringer mode. Set the time that the phone should be quiet or loud, and select the desired mode - quiet, vibration or loud. When the set time comes, the application returns the phone to the previous mode.


Talking Pictures: Autism Cerebral Palsy Talking Pictures: Autism Cerebral Palsy v1.14

This program for better understanding of child's needs


Fake Incoming Call Fake Incoming Call v1.04

Want to get away, and you have no idea for a an
This application makes fake incoming phone call,
which cheat on unwanted company.

The application is very simple to use, no complicated settings here.


Statistics Serie A Statistics Serie A v2.0.2

Application that allows you to view all the statistics of the players in Serie A since the 2010/2011 season. You can choose which statistics show. Very useful with Fantacalcio application.


DataMovie DataMovie v2.0.2

Fast register all your collections, simply enter only the name of the movie and leaving work hard to seek information, trailer and poster for the application. Also has access to graphs generated by the application, to assist you in control of your collection.


My Piano Assistant My Piano Assistant v1.8.25b

The piano chord and scale reference.


Haptic Muse Haptic Muse v1.0

Haptic Muse is intended for developers who are implementing tactile feedback (also referred to as haptics or "rumble") into their applications. This application is used see sample the haptic effects in a series of game context.


Animal Sounds Animal Sounds v1.0

application with real animal sounds, all the animals in your pocket now.Open the application and start to have some fun.Explore a variety of animal calls with this Soundboard.


Network Monitor Network Monitor v1.0.5

Network Monitor is a tool that will help you see which applications are using bandwidth on your device.
The application allows you to view running apps on your device as well as the amount of data traffic for them.
It shows the open sockets on your device and also provides statistics about all the network interfaces available on your device.


Andevice Andevice v1.0

Andevice is an intuitive application, which provides commonly needed informations about your android device and it's state.

The idea of this application is that you can adapt it to your needs and preferences. Currently you can choose between three, different themes and in next updates you will be able to decide what kind of information you want to see in each tab.


WiFi Passwords WiFi Passwords v1.1

A simple application that will help you remember the Wi-Fi passwords stored on your device.


Google news Google news v1.2.2s

This application is intended to ease the access to the Google News regional editions.
Based on the current language set in the phone and the coarse position of the user, the application tries to find out the best regional edition for the user.


Cordoba Patios SB Cordoba Patios SB v1.0

Patios de Córdoba Spain Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity


Chantictactoe Chantictactoe v1.0

Easy, Simple, Challenging tic tac toe


SpecialAndroid4U SpecialAndroid4U v0.7.1303.53511

This is a web shortcut for the Android
Website found at


NotePad NotePad v1.0

Did you forget your important events? here NotePad is the application for you ,Now its easy for you to write
your personal notes and save using Notepad, Notepad is the free application for your android cell phone,
in which you can write your notes,with Notepad application you can create events by date to get notification
alerts on that day.


GoumySticks GoumySticks v1.1.4

Goumy helps your toddlers to learn ordering items by size


Mirror Mirror v1.0.0

This application turn your phone/tablet screen into the best and most completed mirror in the market.
Mirror is probably the most usefull application in the market and With it you can left your pocket mirror at home, because you won't need it or even miss it.


StatusBarAppsAd StatusBarAppsAd v4.0

Have you run out of Home screens space to host your commonly used application icons? This app provide an alternative. It make use of the Notification status bar to host application icons. All you got to do is pull down, select your application and tap. This is useful when say you are inside an app and suddenly you want to launch another app.
