Compulsory apk revision log + icon

1) Slideme should create a new compulsory text box, separate from the main description and require all developers to provide submit a comprehensive version change log (with dates).

So that users can see the improvements the author have made and decide if he should download the new version. Currently, many Android applications do not state its version number inside the application and it is almost impossible to know if the user have the latest version. This situation would probably get worse since many developers change name of the apk and re-post, etc. Version change log would probably help somehow.

2) Almost all the apks listed by SAM does not show the icon inside the emulator, is this a bug or what? Since almost all the apks listed on Slideme site do have an icon.

Portable Electronics Ltd
Stay tuned for our Android devices.

Interesting points

1) We are already looking at improving the release system. Your raised some interesting points here, thanks.

2) Thanks for the report, we'll be checking this.

Sam 2.3 uses the sdcard for

Sam 2.3 uses the sdcard for storing of images. To see icons, you will need to do the following when starting up the emulator:

I see

My bad for not mounting the SD card :p

Portable Electronics Ltd
Stay tuned for our Android devices

In regards to (2), as of SAM

In regards to (2), as of SAM 2.9, SAM will inform the user if the SD is not available, so that should help identify such problems.

For (1), we are just about to release a new app page design, where the developer can do a change log report. Thanks for the suggestions.