where i can found Translation tab ?

i m struggling the issue of not english title and description on my application. i m resubmitting my application with change of applicaiton name but coudnt get success?

"To add Translations, developer can visit the Application profile from the Translations tab."

i tried but did not get any translation tab on slide me ?

can somebody help me to resolve this issue?

Translation Tab for developers


Translations Tab is for applications that have been compiled with more locales (localized in other languages other than a default locale). If your applications supports more than one locale, you will see the Translations Tab available from each application profile that supports these other locales. Upon submitting your application system detects your supported languages, presents options in these languages for you to submit localized meta-data, including: a) Application title, b) Short description, c) Long description.

If you do not see Translations Tab, this means your App does not support any additional languages when compiled & submitted to SlideME.

You can refer to this FAQ too.