Tests your reflexes against time and movement with this simple and fun game!
Control your Drone, survive, upgrade and save humanity! Completely free-to-play!
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
App for Android developed by SAGT3K.com dedicated to serving RAI Televideo National. Compared with other similar apps, app teletext, this application also allows you to "listen" to the selected pages from the speech synthesizer of your android. After loading the page with a simple touch you can listen to the entire page.
This Counting Numbers 1-25 with speech App is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning to count from 1 to 25. The sliding flashcards have colorful detailed pictures for counting. Choose between number sets of 1-10 or 1-25. Tapping a flashcard will reveal and announce the correct number. It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for an entire class.
This Decimals & Fractions Matching Game is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning math decimals & equivalent fractions. Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has 16 tiles with number fractions and decimals written on them. Touching a tile will reveal a colored pie chart representation. Match the decimal numbers to the equivalent fractions to score in the game. It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for an entire class.
This Equivalent Fractions Matching Game App is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning math equivalent fractions. Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has 16 tiles with number fractions written on them. Touching a tile will reveal a colored pie chart representation of the fraction. Match the equivalent fractions to score in the game. It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for an entire class.
This Learning Math Fractions Tutorial & Game App is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning about fraction numbers. The app has a teaching tutorial and a matching fractions game. Choose between 2 game levels. Each level has a fraction ruler and 12 tiles with number fractions written on them. Touching a tile will reveal a colored pie chart representation of the fraction. Match the fractions the ruler display to score in the game.
This Math Multiplication Times Table Game App (Times Table Game) is a fun and easy-to-use tool for learning math multiplication. The game has a touch button multiplication table with 144 buttons. Touching a table button will reveal a corresponding multiplication problem. Answer the problems correctly to score in the game. This application is completely self-contained and does not require internet connection except for emailing the "Recommend This App".
This Preschool Colors and Shapes App with speech is a fun and easy-to-use tool for early learning vocabulary. The sliding cards have colorful detailed pictures of common colors and shapes. Tapping a picture will reveal the correct word and sound the pronunciation. This application is completely self-contained and does not require internet connection except for emailing the Recommend This App. It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for an entire class.
This Preschool Picture Words with Speech App is a fun and easy-to-use tool for early learning vocabulary. The sliding cards have colorful detailed pictures of common objects. Tapping a picture will reveal the word and sound the correct pronunciation. This application is completely self-contained and does not require internet connection except for emailing the Recommend This App. It is an excellent tool to use by the individual student or for an entire class.
Play Championship Racing 2014 today, the ultimate racing game with up to five super fast cars and 15 challenging tracks to test your driving skill.
How long will you be able to control the speeding vehicles and avoid a crash? Manage the traffic racing across the junction in all direction by controlling the speed of the drivers. Slow them down, speed them up – just get them across safely!
Chopping frenzy in Maro's pizzeria again! Orders are still whizzing in and ingredients need chopping! The kitchen needs a ninja hero!
Your personal financial translator in the palm of your hand
Kingdom Of Diamonds is an exciting match-3 puzzle game full of hidden treasures! Prepare to embark on an adventure of a lifetime with over 120 challenging levels to play now!
AlarmeFB est un logiciel de gestion d’alarmes et de domotique qui permet :
- de gérer une installation domotique à partir des détecteurs ou des programmateurs intégrés
- d’être informé en direct (sans abonnement) par "SMS flashs" des intrusions ou incidents
- d’avoir un accès toujours disponible et uniquement par vous (pas de serveur ni de "cloud")
- de lancer ou stopper AlarmeFB et piloter à distance par SMS sécurisés
Site du projet : http://chez.fb.free.fr/alarmefb/alarmeFB.htm
Card Suits Puzzle is a new highscores puzzle game in which you have exactly 180 seconds to get the best score possible by collecting symbols (card suits) of the same type!
Go and create the path to dragon gold! Be quick and you might get a high score!