Want all the latest Deftones videos, concert locations and find out what they ARE up to everyday? You have come to the right place.
It maybe annoying while calculating how much each person has to pay at the end of a birthday party.
Birthday Expense Calculator can help you easily and quickly calculate the amount everyone need to pay for
HAND-DRAWN. 5 differences in unique hand drawings. Find it.
# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
A simple good looking Reversi (Othello) game with special features.
Goal is to get the highest score per game. Sink the ball and extend your time.
Color Coded is an addictive twist on the classic Jewels style three-in-a-row puzzle game that adds Sudoku like strategy.
Mix primary colors together to make secondary colors. Get three or more of the same secondary color in a row to score. The game is over when you run out of moves.
*High Score Board keeps track of your best games.
*All content 100% free.
classic Sokoban game,36 Level Set,2162 level,solutions in game is helpful for newbie
Kid Puzzle World is an educational and entertaining game for preschoolers with beautiful graphics. Teaching fine motor skills to little ones just got easier with the Kid Puzzle World. Colorful fun puzzles pieces are easily snapped together to form cute animals, letter, number …
Master Thief is a game where you have to crack saves open. You can visit various fictional banks around the world and try to empty their saves.
Lively and colourful arcade. With nice music. The composer is
Vadim Brunell.
Let your children have fun with Awesome Fun Draw for Kids!
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Instantly find high yield institutional stocks.
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...and more stuff coming!!
Arnold Cannot Drive Today
I'm not drunk... Just had a couple beer! GLUG!
Thunk you can trick the police or your parents after a good drunk celebration? This is your chance!
With this addictive and clever game your goal is to lead the drunk in a straight line without falling... Sounds easy? Give it a try!
Кримінальний кодекс України — єдиний законодавчий акт України, який регулює правовідносини, що виникають внаслідок вчинення особою кримінально караного суспільно небезпечного діяння, зокрема встановлює підстави та обсяг кримінальної відповідальності.
Кримінальний кодекс України прийнятий Верховною Радою України 5 квітня 2001 року та набрав чинності з 1 вересня 2001 року.
Чинна Конституція України складається з 15 розділів. 161 стаття зібрана у 14 розділів, а XV розділ містить 16 перехідних положень. Тексту Конституції передує Преамбула.