
Diccionario General Vox de la Lengua Española Diccionario General Vox de la Lengua Española v4.3.128

The most complete Spanish language dictionary available: — 53 000 entries — 10 000 idioms — 112 000 definitions — 100 000 examples — 21 000 synonyms — 7 000 notes and comments — 4 700 etymologies — grammar boxes — verbs appendix What makes this dictionary different from any other is that the headword list and the language used for definitions reflect not only European Spanish, as is the case with the majority of other dictionaries, but also Latin American Spanish.


Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide v4.3.128

Specifically geared towards patient-care, this instant-access guide provides registered nurses with essential, up-to-the-minute information on the selection and administration of 1,000 commonly used medications.

  • Organized alphabetically by generic drug name
  • Common usage and dosage
  • Nursing implications

Hidden Jewels Hidden Jewels v0.0.1

Free and fun memory game.


Standardwörterbuch Englisch Standardwörterbuch Englisch v4.3.128

This Standard English-German-English dictionary is a detailed and comprehensive guide to English and German with over 65,000 headwords and idioms.


Concise French Concise French v4.3.128

This Compact French<->English Dictionary is the ideal reference work for learners of English and French with around 115,000 keywords and phrases and more than 155,000 translations.


Compact English-Russian Compact English-Russian v4.3.128

This Compact Russian<->English Dictionary is the ideal reference work for learners of English and Russian with 120,000 headwords and phrases.


Concise Spanish Concise Spanish v4.3.128

This Compact Spanish<->English Dictionary is the ideal reference work for learners of English and Spanish with 110,000 headwords and phrases.


Word Squares Word Squares v1.93

Word Squares combines the strategic elements of a fill-in crossword and a classic letter slide puzzle.


GRE Hit Parade GRE Hit Parade v1.0.3

An effective way to learn 200 most common words in the GRE test.


Kids EduPack Kids EduPack v1.2

Welcome aboard the ultimate in kids’ apps. A one stop shop for parents of toddlers, preschoolers and older kids.


simon360 simon360 v1.0.2

Play Simon like never before...


Kaeimea Vocab Translator Kaeimea Vocab Translator v1.03

Contains usefull vocabulary in many different languages. Great way to access and learn new words.


English to Chinese English to Chinese v1.0

Simple & handy dictionary of English to Chinese and Chinese to English


Tenjin Tenjin v3.4

Tenjin ★ Japanese dictionary with kanji, examples, grammar points and more...


Wordgenuity® Word Hunt Free Wordgenuity® Word Hunt Free v1.02

WORDGENUITY® WORD HUNT - A word creation puzzle game
that gradually becomes more difficult as objectives
become more challenging.


Whisper of Wind Whisper of Wind v1.12

Flying on windy sky, flying in dreams youth. You will see that memories in WHISPER OF WIND


Happy Pet Spot Happy Pet Spot v1.0B

A picture is worth a thousand words! Guess the shadows and match them to the pictures within the time limit! Give your brain a good workout in this fun and challenging mini quiz.


Fruit Match Fruit Match v1.2.3

Match same fruits to increase your score. A puzzle game.


Guess the Word Guess the Word v4.0

Try to guess the five letter word. Guess the Word is the ultimate crossover word game. Guess the Word is based on the popular television game Lingo!

Guess the words is a free, fun and relaxing puzzle game. Find as many words as possible, try to set the highest highscore and collect all the 4 Medals.


Whats the Year Whats the Year v2.0

How good is your memory? Try to guess the correct year!
You know the events, but do you still remember the year?

You get to see 10 known events that happened in the 19th, 20th and 21th century. Try and guess the correct year of these events. Master the game by guessing all 10 events/pictures correct.
