Explore 3D maze and solve puzzles to find hidden items.
Find, compare and book flights and hotels with momondo’s beautiful all-in-one travel app.
Search and compare billions of flight and hotel prices all over the world from wherever you are, faster than ever before. It’s free, easy, fun to use and you can save money and time when booking your next vacation or trip! So why pay more for the same when you can find the best here? momondo is independent and we’re dedicated to price transparency for all travelers!
This is most entertaining & addictive word puzzle game ever.
- Beautiful cards and icons for weather conditions
- Easy viewing of the temperature with the swipe
- Hourly and 10 day weather forecast
- Overlaying interactive radar maps
- Detailed information about the weather parameters
- Information about the level of air quality
- Adding location to Favorites
- The choice of units (Celsius, Fahrenheit, etc.)
- Handy weather and clock widget
Ghost Sweeper
After many centuries the dark lord is resurrected from his ashes, coming back to his castle
and cursing the lands all around!!
Now many ghosts and undead wander freely haunting every place, giving to the people only one option, escape!
But when the hopes seem fade away... usually the heroes appear! The "Ghost Sweepers" are here! Ready to kick out some clumsy monsters!
Discover the sights and sounds of the forest through VR and AR technology. Learn what creates a forest ecosystem and the basics of photosynthesis.
Browse, search & buy products right from your Android device.
View Caller ID via CallerID, easily block spam calls and unwanted calls.
Find the way to the exit gate, Don't forget the Gate Key.