We have launched our newly designed Android market app, version 5 of the SlideME Application Manager (SAM), and we wanted to highlight some of the new features that you might not yet know about in the new SAM 5.
SlideME is pleased to announce SAM 2.4, a major release of our mobile marketplace for Android applications. Features include: catalog search, catalog refresh, featured gallery and updates page. We've also localized SAM into multiple languages - German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian - with more languages to follow in 2.5.
We've fixed numerous bugs, including: some catalog entries not showing up, app displays without screenshots being blank, ratings not properly displaying. Also we've made a number of optimizations to make SAM more responsive to the user.
SlideME is pleased to announce support for paid applications with our release of SAM 2.3, the first billing solution for Android that includes a mobile client. You can download SAM 2.3 at http://slideme.org/sam2.apk