
Check Your Gender Check Your Gender v1.1

'Check Your Gender' can identify your gender by scanning your face. you can take a photo from the camera or can select an image from the gallery.
'Check Your Gender' uses advanced face analyzing technology to identify your gender. it will also give you the confidence value for the result.
For better results, use front face photos and photos taken in light environments.


Zapytaj.Mobi Zapytaj.Mobi v0.54.13346.15152 to najpopurarniejszy portal z pytaniami i odpowiedziami w polsce! Dzięki tej App będziesz miał szybki dostęp do swojego konto i pytań, możesz także w łatwy sposób odpowiadać na pytania innych użytkowników z swojego telefonu komórkowego pracującym na systemie Android.


Private Lottery Machine Private Lottery Machine v1.3.1

It is the first lottery random numbers generator based on physical emulation. Make your own draw at your device and get total random numbers.


Maps In My Pocket Maps In My Pocket v1.4.4

MIMP is an application dedicated to follow GPX and KML tracks on Open Steeet Maps.


TM Laser Enigma TM Laser Enigma v2.0.7

Laser reflection logic game. Solve the map puzzles by guiding a laser beam to the receiver of correct color.


Space Wallpapers Space Wallpapers v1.0.6

Space Wallpapers
Collection of nice HD Space images, a lot of cool and elegant pictures.
Give your phone a new look with this free Space wallpapers.


Anti Mosquito - Ultrasonic Repellent Anti Mosquito - Ultrasonic Repellent v1.5.1

Mosquitoes? Not to worry now.
This Mosquito repellent app can protect you from getting bitten by mosquitoes.


ConvertPro+ All Converter FREE ConvertPro+ All Converter FREE v1.4.1

From basic measurement, discount calculator, tip computation and currency exchange rate to complex science conversions.
Your free powerful most complete unit converter and computation app for your everyday use, quick and easy with clean interface.


Snake vs. Mice Snake vs. Mice v1.2.1

Tired of old Snake game? Try the brand new style of Snake game.


SexyEatz SexyEatz v1.2

The Virtual Cookbook is your official gateway to thousands of recipes worldwide. It is a recipe app which serves a wide variation of delicacies from Asian to European, Australian, American, African and basically any where around the globe.


Moving Water Pond HD Moving Water Pond HD v1.4

Moving water over a beautiful stone in a pond with relaxing bubbling sound for your relief, relaxation or deep sleep that you can also set as your live wallpaper on devices running Android OS 2.1+. For even more realistic experience the live wallpaper also reacts on moving and touching the phone with faster ripples.


WoW Leatherworking WoW Leatherworking v1.0

WoW Leatherworking
World of Warcraft Leatherworking guide from 1-525 skill level, prepared for next expansion Mists of Pandaria release.


Gemini Gemini v3.1

The beauty of having your own zodiac twin!

The Gemini is the most imaginative sign in the Zodiac. It’s easy to recognize a person who’s born in the sign of Gemini – they’re clever, but indecisive, and energetic but restless, adaptable but impulsive. This doesn’t just give them the smarts to deal with any situation that comes, but also pushes them to create new more exciting situations, when times get boring.


Cancer Cancer v3.1

A wallpaper that says it for you…

The people born in the sign of Cancer are loyal and dependable, yet at the same time clingy and self-absorbed. Once a Cancer falls in love with you, it grabs you with its claws and doesn’t want to ever let you go. On the up side, however, they’re caring and responsive, so even if you end up being loved by a Cancer, it might be quite the good experience...


Night Dancer Night Dancer v4.0

Exclusive wallpaper for your mobile phone.


SMSBiljett SMSBiljett v3.0

Köp din SMS-biljetter - Skånetrafiken (alla städer) - GRATIS Versionen
Buy your sms tickets - Skånetrafiken (all cities) - FREE Version


Vocalive Beta Vocalive Beta v0.1

Learn new words every day with Vocalive!


Drop or Fall Drop or Fall v1.3.9

Drop or Fall is a classic Falldown game with graphical and gameplay enhancements


Clock Watching (Free) Clock Watching (Free) v1.0

Time crawling? Clock Watching is a simple, intuitive countdown widget that lets you know exactly how much time is left of your working day, lecture, seminar, or any other event you want to track. It can also account for breaks, and calculate the time since an event e.g. breakfast.


Toodledo Assistant Toodledo Assistant v1.0

Toodledo assistant is a client tool for It will help organize your to-do list and notes, and make you more productive.
