
Drives Drives v3.0.4.5

Device Storage Analyser displays information on sdcard, usb devices, sd-cards, external and internal storage in a simple and clear graphical form (infographics). ITS FREE, NO ADS, NO VIRUSES.


Notify Theme - ICS Light Notify Theme - ICS Light v1.1

Notify Theme - ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) Light


VideoShow VideoShow v3.7.0 cn

VideoShow is No.1 video editor for Android, complete free, no watermark!


Math Monsters Math Monsters v1.0.7

Do you still think the mathematics is difficult?
The most widely-used math formulas in practical life are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

With this game-based learning, you can speed up your mathematical calculation.
Are you bad at mental arithmetic or mathematical calculations? Improve it by playing the game!


Animal Sounds Animal Sounds v2.12SM

100+ sounds and photos of the most popular animals in the world.


MailWise MailWise v2.0.12

MailWise – Read Just What You Need. The best conversation threads ever. A free email client that transforms messy emails into clean and clear conversations.


Devils Cauldron Devils Cauldron v1.0.1

DevilsCauldron is an original platform game, your mission is to try not to fall into the fire of Alvern satanic.


RE6 Emblems RE6 Emblems v1.4

Compact emblem location guide for Resident Evil 6.


PhotoPairs PhotoPairs v1.32

PhotoPairs is the matching game photos, suitable for all ages.


ADX Music Player ADX Music Player v2.0

ADX Music Player is a slick music player for all Android devices.


Thinking Space Thinking Space v2.0

Portable Mind Mapping has never been so much fun!

Top 10 finalist in Google's ADC2.

The 'Accounts' permission is for the optional cloud functionality, see website for more details.

Comments or feedback?


Fancy Widget Fancy Widget v1.3.0-Alpha

This is HTC Sense like clock widget !


Task Manager Task Manager v1.1

android Task Manager to close, management applications, optimizing the system, improve system performance!
Press and select the pop-up action menu item!


Multitouch Test Multitouch Test v1.1

This app shows how your phone's hardware handles multitouch. Multitouch Test allows you to find out the multi touch capabilities of your device. It supports up to 10 pointers (fingers). Each touch pointer is visualized with a colored circle (blue: down, green: move, grey: up).


Daring Reloaded Daring Reloaded v1.1

Daring Reloaded is an Android app containing collections of all sorts of Daring clips and videos from movies , TV shows, live shows etc. Your search for Daring clips on YouTube is simplified with Daring Reloaded Application on your Android phone. It provides you with instant video clip thumbnails ready to view on your phone, so that you can enjoy your favourite Daring actions in a touch.


Real Music Box Real Music Box v1.2.0

Amazing digital music box. It has realistic graphics, sound, and animation which give you the feel and look of a real music box.


حروفي العربية حروفي العربية v1.0

learning arabic alphabets for kids.


تعليم جدول الضرب تعليم جدول الضرب v1.0

برنامج تعليم جدول الضرب للأطفال بشكل سهل جدا
مميزات البرنامج
1- عرض جدول الضرب لكل جدول على حدة لسهولة الحفظ
2- عرض الجدول الشامل لجميع الجداول من جدول 2 الى جدول 10
3- تمارين و اختبار لكل جدول على حدة
4- تمارين و اختبار شاملة لجميع الجدوال
5- عرض عدد الاجابات الصحيحة وعدد الاجابات الخاطئة


BattleGame BattleGame v1.0.12

Battle Game is a Jump & Run with the map editor!

Build your own maps and publish your creations. So other players can play your maps and set new records.


GPS Status GPS Status v3.7

Shows the position, number and signal strength of GPS satellites. Also displays your position, the GPS accuracy, speed and bearing. Bigger dots represent stronger signal. Compass included :)
