Take the guessing out of buying stocks with our historical volatility analysis app.
Calculate how many calories you burn at different activities.
Perfect Shopping List led you manage shopping list easy and quickly. The interaction focuses on the practice, and is based on the building of a list of items, which can be individually marked as “necessary”.
Keep your shopping lists under control. Do not forget to buy anything, anymore.
Improve your visual memory to the next level pairing three cards of a kind.
Simple Unit Converter is the simplest and easiest unit converter to use.
Wake Up or Calculate wakes you up by activating your brains with calculations!
Υπολογισμός της δεξαμενής και της ποσότητας παραλαβής πετρελαίου.
Currency converter. All currencies quoted against the euro (base currency).
Measure the volume of tank by the size of the tank and the dept of liquid.
Convert color codes from ARGB to Hex and reverse way.
This is a simple GPA calculator for Android. The concept code is used in several US colleges.
Planned features:
- Save Grades
- Mobile transcript
Please send suggestions to android@mgonullu.com
this app is for college students who often need to find their results from grade. so this app will useful to find out their credit.
The BNP is mapped on a graph of NYHA class.
From the laboratory test results triglycerides, HDL cholesterol are :
- Cholesterol / HDL
- Atherogenic index (AIP)
This application calculates the Body mass index and suggests the healthy weight for your height. Also it explains the ways to achieve healthy weight.
All-in-One Health Status Check is a free, fast, convenient and friendly-designed application to calculate your BMI, find your ideal weight, evaluate your waist index, etc...
This application provide you 5 levels for brain training
Calculate various properties of Analytical using this simple utility tool.