I've had to unpublish Speed Forge 3D temporarily. A lot of people are continuing to download it even though the download fails (or not enough space). This causes numerous reserves on their account, so we are working on a fix and will get it back up ASAP.
When does this game will be
When does this game will be available again?
It's available now. We just
It's available now. We just had to bring it down for a couple of hours to get the fix in for paid purchases so there are less problems for people.
I bought this game a few days ago. Flashed my rom and now its not avalible to me in locker along with other apps/games i purchased. Why?
This is a bug in Storage
This is a bug in Storage locker. You can redownload from the main catalog at no additional charge.
US When i install this Game i
When i install this Game i received this error: "Failure analysis, a problem occurred during the analysis kit."
Quand j'installe ce jeux j'obtiens cette erreur: "Erreur d'analyse, Un problème est survenu lors de l'analyse du kit."
Contact developer
Seems like a specific app issue.
For such problems you will need to contact developer directly.
George | SlideME