
A Brief History of the Android App Store Race

Android was publicly announced on November 5, 2007, followed by the SDK release on November 12th, 2007. A few days later, comes out with an Application Database, which could be considered the first Android catalog.

Around the same time, a couple other guys and I form SlideME, starting work on an application manager and portal for Android. We decide to enter the ADC I with our solution.

On March 20th, Sadko Mobile announces DroidStor, a commercial solution.

Give some SlideLock to your applications

You can protect your content that is distributed through the SlideME Marketplace by using SlideLock, a simple forward lock implementation.

SlideME introduces the SlideME Prepaid Debit MasterCard

Developers Get Paid the Best Way

SlideME is introducing a great new way to get paid – directly to a Prepaid Debit MasterCard®.

By choosing to be paid by the Prepaid Debit MasterCard®, you will reduce the time that it takes for your payment to be delivered while cutting the costs associated with other methods of payment. It's fast, secure and offers you the most flexibility with your money.

Immediate liquidity: Payments available in minutes anywhere in the world.

SlideME: Release of SAM 2.3 and Support For Paid Applications

SlideME is pleased to announce support for paid applications with our release of SAM 2.3, the first billing solution for Android that includes a mobile client. You can download SAM 2.3 at

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