Cyrillic transliterator for tourists in Serbia, to help read and understand local signs, street names etc.
Smart Maps Offline is fast detailed offline maps of all countries of the world.
A simple app to find the dial codes of all countries in the world.
Elyatrading App will guide you to do business in China, and visit sightseeing attraction of famous cities in China.
Guitur Uruguay is a guidebook that is part of the services offered to tourists by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and to various actors involved in tourism and services in Uruguay.
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Travelling Wizards is a travel magazine, providing relevant travel information about recommended destinations, attractive places, sightseeing, leisure activities, golf clubs, restaurants, hotels, spa resorts.
It is illegal to wear camouflage patterns in most Caribbean countries! Travel data on over 200 countries, including: embassies, entry requirements, local laws & customs, country specifics, banks & airlines, plus travel warning links. "What to do" in many situations; such as arrests, illnesses, victim of crime, death of a loved one, and more. Various checklists and packing lists to cover before you go, while you're abroad, and before returning home.
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
More than 30 million people visit Paris, France every year, making it the world's most popular tourist destination. Paris has thousands of hotels, restaurants, art galleries and famous monuments that draw visitors to the destination that is also known as the city of lights because of its nighttime illumination.
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing.
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather
The ultimate travel guide comes to your device, with offline viewing. This guide has:
- all the must see locations, including pictures, details and an offline map
- offline maps, at 4 levels, so you can find your way without internet access
- all the country info you need to know before you go
- all the annual events you should go to if you can
- an offline version of the wikitravel page
- the current local time
- the exchange rate
- the local weather