
Numbers and Letters Loading... Numbers and Letters Loading... v1.3

Learn your numbers and letters in French and in English!
Swipe left or right to go to the next screen and press the english or francais buttons to hear the english or french pronounciation of the number/letter.

Apprenez vos chiffres et vos lettres en francais et en anglais!
Glissez votre doigt a la gauche ou a la droite pour changer l'ecran.
Appuyez sur "Francais" ou "English" pour entendre la prononciation du chiffre ou de la lettre.


Viola's Quest Viola's Quest v1.0.01

Blast marbles in this enchanted puzzle adventure and release Viola's magic


PicGo PicGo v3.4

Version 3.4
1. Optimize the searching speed
2. Enlarge the screen to view more image
3. Fix bugs

Version 2.2

1. Support Google Image Search
2. Support Yahoo Image Search

Version 1.4
1. Re-design the UI, make it more simple and beautiful
2. Reduce the time of searching, make it more faster
3. Enhance the capability of searching, can search more keywords
4. More hints when you playing of it
5. Can save all the photos at the same time


Capture Line Capture Line v2011.07.19

Is that beautiful when you can see your reaction speed increased day by day? Capture line is such kind of game helping on your reaction speed in an interesting game. Your mission is to press the button when the light bar moving in between the bracket. That's easy, yet, that's powerful. That's how our raction speed measured, and we provides you a beautiful tool to show your speed stat with flame effects.
