
The Last Man The Last Man v1.0

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, wrote the apocalyptic novel The Last Man in 1826.


The Sleeper Awakes The Sleeper Awakes v1.0

In the dystopian vision of H. G. Wells' novel The Sleeper Awakes (1910), a man awakes to a London where all he knew has radically changed after his sleep of two hundred and three years.


The Spymaster The Spymaster v1.0

With this novel, the author of Inquest and Executive Action has managed fiction-created-from-fact.


The Evil That Men Do The Evil That Men Do v1.0

Dagny Taggart Jamison is a private investigator born on the day.


The Second Oswald The Second Oswald v1.0

Who killed Kennedy? Many keen minds have their doubts about the findings of the Warren Commission.


The China Card The China Card v1.0

In this far-seeing novel, the nations of the near future come to 1984?


The Basketball Expatriate The Basketball Expatriate v1.0

When is a story about a basketball player not even about basketball?


Paravoid Paravoid v1.0

Imagination is man's most fearsome weapon.


Heroes of the Santa Fe Trail: 1821-1900 Heroes of the Santa Fe Trail: 1821-1900 v1.0

Heroes of the Santa Fe Trail is the product of decades of primary research by a writer.


Agnes Among the Gargoyles Agnes Among the Gargoyles v1.0

Agnes Among the Gargoyles commences at the dedication of an office tower constructed atop Grand Central Station.


Trin1 Trin1 v2.2

It's the future and large areas are nothing but wasteland.


The Romany Rye The Romany Rye v1.0

The Romany Rye is a fictional, yet highly autobiographical novel by George Borrow, which follows his novel Lavengro.


Where Angels Fear to Tread Where Angels Fear to Tread v1.0

Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905) follows two women to Italy: the widowed Lilia Herriton and her traveling companion Caroline Abbott.


A Room with a View A Room with a View v1.0

A Room with a View is a romance and a social critique of Edwardian society.


Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson v1.0

G. K. Chesterton said of Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson that he seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins.


The Thirty-Nine Steps The Thirty-Nine Steps v1.0

British writer John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps is the first of five adventure novels to star Richard Hannay, a man with a remarkable knack for getting out of sticky situations, and indeed getting into them in the first place.


Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Francis of Assisi v1.0

G.K. Chesterton lends his witty, astute and sardonic prose to the much loved figure of Saint Francis of Assis.


The Republic The Republic v1.0

The Republic is Plato's most famous work and one of the seminal texts of Western philosophy and politics.


The Idiot The Idiot v1.0

A Russian prince returns to Saint Petersburg after a long absence in Switzerland, where he was undergoing treatment for epilepsy.


The Secret of Wealth The Secret of Wealth v1.0

AS a man chooses his coat for its wearing qualities or for the moment's passing whim, so does he choose his destiny.
