this is a simple tap tap have to click on the randomly appearing object to score.
Tile is a fast paced English vocabulary, word finding game. Given a definition you must find the word in the game by matching adjacent letters. Answer the most questions right and take the #1 spot on our leader boards.
Tile is a great game to help students study for their SAT, PSAT, TOEFL, and GRE English verbal exams. Increase your English vocabulary while having fun!
Step into the world of magical colors and painting.
The day we come to life, we see colors all around. From the first day these brighter and lighter colors always fascinate us affecting our dim and low moods. While you are sitting somewhere feeling low, you might find it intimidating that a bright color will instantly aggravate your mood. Yes! These colors are all around us, playing with our imaginations.
Never end up missing a flower at hand again.
Use this virtual flower replacement to present it as a gift anytime you need it or just hand it over to surprise and entertain someone you love. Just plant the seed wherever you want it to grow, give it some patience, shed the light of your smiles upon it and in a minute it will blossom into a beautiful wild rose, presenting you with a random but sincere wish. You can also set it as your live wallpaper on devices running Android OS 2.1+.
HiLo-Caught Gaming Network
HiLo- Is the latest game addition to our gaming network.
The game is at the simplest of HiLo for people of all ages to learn/play/enjoy while there are hidden goodies to make
the score skyrocket and boast about it at Facebook.
The game has a simple interface and buttons with preloaded 100 credits to get you started.
Make sure to always check the 'Updates' section to keep up with the latest features to our network and this game.
Aplikasi Telepon Darurat adalah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan nomor telepon penting untuk kebutuhan darurat. Misalnya nomor telepon panggilan darurat, polisi, ambulan, pemadam kebakaran,restoran cepat saji dan lain-lain.
A simple but addictive game. The objective of the game is to set all numbers to '0'. Tap on one of the numbers in the playing field to decrement its value by 1, as well as the values of the four surrounding ones. Challenge you brain, don't make you "mania" !
Play Square Four online or with AI.
Square Four is a game takes place on an 8x8 board, original concept by Scott Kim.
The rules are simple. Two players take turns placing pieces on board, these pieces are immobile once placed. The object of the game is to make squares with these pieces. The larger the square, the more points it's worth.
Imagine full moon and an amazing sound of a coyote howl in the distance. With a Coyote Sounds app you are sure you will have a unique ring tone and amazing alarm that will wake you up for sure.
Match Me is simple memory card brain game where you match up pairs. It is a fun memory and picture match game for kids, big and small.At the beginning of Match Me game all cards are laid face down. Two cards (pair) are flipped face up over each turn. If pair of those two cards are the same then they left open, otherwise they are turned face down again.
Great Classic Sudoku!
Sudoku is a logic-based number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Sudoku is a logic based number placement puzzle game.
Playing the sudoku is so good for your brain, it boosts your memory skills and visual communication. There are huge benefits to challenging your brain.
Treasure Hunt is a transport puzzle in which the player pushes boxes around a maze,viewed from above,and tries to put them in designated locations.Only one box may be pushed at a time,and boxes cannot be pulled.It contains more than 600 levels, for more fun and more excitement. Get that brain working.
Supplications, Quran Duas, Ziaraat, Namaz & Salaat Taqeebat etc for Shia Muslims
this is all in 1 converter. it convert various unit of type such as length,mass,volume,speed,temperature,torque,current,tip,density,currency .
Running out of fuel in space is much like running out of fuel in your car, except, on land, you can actually walk to a gas station. The adventure starts when Fannia and Donnaught, two space travelers, ran out of transmission fuel for their spaceship. What will they do to get to Thetis?
Perfect Bluetooth Toggle Widget allows you On/Off your bluetooth connection with one click.
Perfect Lock Screen Toggle Widget allows you to lock your phone with one click.
Perfect Brightness Toggle Widget allows you to change your screen brightness with one click. Double-click to activate automatic mode.
Simple memory game.
For 1 or 2 player.
Earn points by matching cards.