Toggelis Waze Editor is an Android app that lets you modify and share your Waze color schemes visually.
The current version is compatible to Waze 4 only, it won't work with Waze 3.x. However, Waze 3 color schemes can be imported and used with Waze 4.
Feature list:
Editable road color
Clickable preview map
Editable road width
Editable border sizes
Automatically convert 3.x schemes to 4.x
Copy / paste / import / export and share schemes
Edit navigation routes (stop routes, shared routes)
Manual language choice or system language
Import from Gmail attachment
Compatible Android 4.0.3 - 5.X (6.X ?)
For a detailed feature list please go to
This program is not affiliated with Waze or Google.
Good app, great value.