Long-time Voice Recorder Long-time Voice Recorder v1.0

Download Long-time Voice Recorder

Long-time Voice Recorder is an Android App for long-time audio recording. Records can be saved in SD Card or SkyDrive. Records are password protected.

1) How long can I record audio by this app?

It's determined by storage medium.
For SD card, 2GB card = 850 Hours, 32GB card = 13000 Hours.
For SkyDrive, never worry about a phone's memory capacity. It can continue recording for even years long.

2) What is the use of this App?

People always forget. Sometimes, some things need to be recorded, however, when we aware it, it's late.
How about use a recorder app to enhance our memory power?
To memorize lectures and homeworks.
To memorize conferences and assignments.
To memorize statements of patients, customers.

3) Will my privacy be safe?

First, a password is required to play records.
Second, the records are not even in your phone, they are in the cloud storage server.
Third, the records are not in normal audio format, so other software cannot play this audio type.


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language: 
Trial version: 
"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder
Long-time Voice Recorder


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Target Android version: 
Android 2.2
Minimum Android version: 
Android 2.2
Minimum screen width: 
240 dpx
Requires features: 
Microphone, Screen portrait, Touchscreen
Requires permissions: 
Access network state, Internet, Read external storage, Receive boot completed, Record audio, Write external storage, Write internal storage, com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE

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