We are pleased announce the release of the GEMS Communicator (GC) in beta version.
GC can be used for improving and enhancing our School to Parent Communication.
GC is a small application which each parent is encouraged to install on their Computer/Pad/Phone (Windows/Apple/ Android).
Once installed, GC will appear on the parent’s Computer/Pad/Phone each morning when it is booted / started, without them having to click or activate anything.
The school feeds in Newsletter links, Calendar events and reminders, which are then displayed in GC.
The exquisiteness of the product is that each parent will get the School news which applies only to their child’s class and/ or sport and extra-curricular activity.
GC will assist in pushing information to parents every morning and by utilizing the links therein, it can navigate parents to the school website or to the parent portal when important (confidential) information needs to be conveyed to them.
The GC is tightly integrated with GEMS OASIS system.