The Card Game Pharaoh The Card Game Pharaoh v4.2.3.1009

Download The Card Game Pharaoh

Play from 2 to 4 players a pack in 36 sheets. To players about 5 cards are distributed. Players go in turn clockwise. The first calling in a game round can be done by any card. Farther the player who makes the move can come from the card of equal suit or equal rank with the top map lying on a table. The queen can be spread on any card. If the player has no card with which he can come, or he doesn't wish, the player is obliged to take the card from a pack. After that the player or has to descend, or pass the course. If the player descended 6, the following player takes 1 card from a pack and passes the course. If the player descended 7, the following player takes 2 cards from a pack and passes the course. If the player descended 8, he repeats the course. If the player descended an ace, the following player passes the course. If the player descended the king of spades, the following player takes 5 cards from a pack and passes the course. If the player descended the queen, then he has to order any suit which to become current. The game round proceeds until at one of players cards don't end. After that counting of scores is made. Scores of players are considered according to the cards which have remained with them on hands. 6, 7, 8 and 9 there are 0 scored. 10 – 10 scored. A jack – 2 scores. The queen – 3 scores. The king – 4 points. An ace – 11 scores. If the player remained with one queen, to him 20 scores increase. If it was the queen of hearts, to him 40 scores increase. If the last card which is laid out on a game table – the queen, then to the player who has laid out its, is subtracted 20 scores. If it was the queen of hearts, 40 scores are subtracted. Then all cards come back to a pack, and the next round begins. As soon as any of players scores more than 120 points, a game comes to the end, and this player is considered a loser.


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
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"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
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Требуемые разрешения

1. Доступ к считыванию состояния и ID телефона используется для автоматической регистрации игрока в игровом клубе.
2. Доступ к камере используется для установки изображения аватара игрока.


The Card Game Pharaoh
The Card Game Pharaoh
See video


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Target Android version: 
Android 8.1
Minimum Android version: 
Android 4.0
Requires permissions: 
Access network state, Access wifi state, Camera, Disable keyguard, Internet, Read external storage, Read phone state, Wake lock, Write external storage

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