The Android application, "Automatic Wish Sender" enables the user to set a "Wish" to be sent to the recipient on a specific date. Like, if user sets a wish, "Wish you a very Happy Birthday" to be sent to the recipient 'Kelly" on 10th of May 2012. The application will send the wish to Kelly on the specified date automatically in the form of SMS. The application has following features:
Contacts can be created to keep names and phone numbers
Templates can be defined for frequently used messages. Like, Wish you a very happy Birthday, Best of Luck for Exams, etc. can be defined in the form of templates. It helps while sending the wishes. Instead of typing the wish, user can select the pre-defined template
Define the wishes to be sent to the desired contacts
Define date and time on which the specified wish will be automaically sent through SMS to the specifed contact.
Wishes can be set to be sent periodically i.e. daily, monthly, yearly or just on a specific date and time
The user is informed when the wish(s) is automatically sent.
The wishes that are successfully sent are maintained in a history table for future reference