how to hide system storage in

how to hide system storage in aplication manager?

notifications to monitored phone

I was almost caught trying to use this app. My wife asked me about the notifications that she was receiving to her phone. I downloaded the app to her phone and set it up to where I received her outgoing and incoming texts and phone calls. Well, she was receiving them as well. NOT GOOD.. Plus, the messages kept repeating themselves in other words, one notification would repeat itself constantly for over 100 times. That was really irritating.So my tests and emails were overloaded with repeat notifications. I have since uninstall this app on her phone and will go with a more reputable app./service.

How to uninstall and re-install when secret launch code fails

Go to the device's settings.

Go to Location and security

Locate Device admistration and click add or remove device administrators

Unselect Android Admin Security.

Then the app will now be uninstallable.

You can re-install and enjoy the app

Compulsory Update

All users of Version 1.0.3 and below are advised to upgrade to the latest version to enjoy an unmatched and uninterrupted Email forwarding experience.

Twitter Access

kindly ensure that your device's date is correct before attempting to authorise Twitter Access.
A backdated or forwarddated device will throw a twitter exception while trying to login to twitter.

Destination Email Address

Kindly ensure that you specify a valid, active and accessible email address as your destination email address for forwarding calls and SMSs to Email. Especially users. This is necessary to prevent messages from bouncing.

Forward to SMS

The new update v 1.0.1 now includes feature to prevent users from specifying the phonenumber of the device being configured as destination phonenumber. This is neccessary to prevent cyclic forwarding when forwarding call notification or SMS to another phone as SMS.

SMS Control (Parental Control Mode)

After enabling parental control mode and the application icon is still on the home screen(for some devices), just rotate/flip the device in order to change the device's orientation and the icon will disappear forever as long the application remains in parental control mode and can only be accessed by dialing your SECRET launch CODE.