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wiegandtechllc's applications

Baby Names Baby Names v1.29

Expecting a new baby and not sure what name to pick? Baby Names lists popular baby names, tells you how popular over the last 10 years they've been, provides search functionality, and lets you star your favorite names and share them via email with your friends. Can now install to SD card, also has new icon.


Bible Verses Bible Verses v1.2a

Shows popular bible verses from the World English Bible (a modernization of the American Standard Version of 1901) in a widget. It updates every 5 minutes with a new verse to inspire you, or you can click on it for a new one.

Email: support@wiegandtech.mobi


Port Scanner Port Scanner v1.1

Simple port scanning program, multithreaded, scans common ports and returns first line of response if possible.

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