Improve your cognitive performance by regularly training your thinking.
Our selection of training games are based on the latest psychological and
neural evidence and were developed
specifically for online training.
Based on our statistics and reporting capabilities, you can control your
own mental fitness and set your own pace.
Each game will provide you with a power value, called a BrainPoint,
which helps you understand how you are developing.
BrainQ currently contains 6 games.
Keep track of your gase use.
Fuel book is a simple program to record refueling operations
and to make statistical evaluation.
It is used internationally.
All units are user-definable.
It is still in the testing phase.
Hints, bug reports and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Memory Match for Kids is a great game for your little children up to 1 year.
Challenge the memory by matching the same pictures. The pictures are hidden. Need your memory to remember them!
Train first motor and visual skills your Children with Memory Match.
Quotes and Sayings is a widget for your home screen and shows you practical Quotes and Sayings for the day.
The quotations are changing periodically.
So ein paar grundgelehrte Zitate zieren den ganzen Menschen (Heinrich Heine, dt. Dichter)
SpruchKlopfer ist ein Widget für deinen Screen. Er zeigt dir
täglich praktische Sprüche und Zitate.
Merke sie dir gut und wende sie in Diskussionen oder Gesprächen an. SpruchKlopfer enthält keine Sammlung aus tausenden Zitaten, sondern eine praktische Auswahl.
Das Widget muss zuerst auf den Homescreen gezogen werden, sonst sieht man nichts!!