
Unit Converter & Currency Rates Unit Converter & Currency Rates v1.0.7

Unit Converter & Currency Rate is a simple but powerful tool. It will help you to convert everything you need in your every day life, featuring currency rates updated daily! Unit Converter & Currency Rate includes many units and if you want us to add more, feel free to email us! The output format can be easily adjusted according to your needs (scientific format, decimal places).


Soldier Trollface Soldier Trollface v1.0

Protect territory from enemy army


Xonix Blast Free Xonix Blast Free v1.1

Xonix Blast is remake of popular Xonix game. Playing area is divided into two ones: dangerous Sea with monster-balls wandering inside and safe Land. You control a device, which moves over a Sea and cuts off its parts to unite into filled area. Avoid enemies and collect bonuses.


Crazy Colours (Ad sup) Crazy Colours (Ad sup) v1.0.1

crazy colours and bright design


Crazy Words Crazy Words v1.0

You always wanted to know if you can write on your keyboard faster than your friends or if your writing speed can reach peaks.
It is now possible! Play Crazy Words and compare your scores with friends and other users.


Classic Marbles Classic Marbles v1.2.2

Tired of shooters, tower defends or jewels? Try MARBLES!

Classic Marbles - modern brain game in a new pleasant style.


E-Cell Free E-Cell Free v1.2

Battle to the top and fend off your enemies in E-Cell. How long can you survive in an ever increasingly hostile environment?


10 000 Steps 10 000 Steps v1.1.5

'10000 Steps' is a useful pedometer application, designed with energy efficiency in mind.
It uses the step counter sensor introduced in Android 4.4.


Kpsc Kpsc v2.1

This application helps you to prepare for Kerala PSC test.


Colors Colors v1.1

Test your color vision and skills to distinguish colors with this addictive game


Gesture Brightness Free Gesture Brightness Free v1.0

Gesture Brightness is the ultimate brightness controller for your device, activatable without to look at your display, with fancy graphics and working under every enlightenment condition! And it's free!


Pick a pair (free) Pick a pair (free) v1.0.2

A fun free, memory and picture pairs matching game for kids of all ages.


Spanish Swedish Dictionary FREE Spanish Swedish Dictionary FREE v2.0.0

Offline Spanish Swedish dictionary. Diccionario Español-Sueco. Spansk-Svensk ordbok.
More than 22.700 words. FREE!


Monsters Escape Monsters Escape v1.6

Monsters Escape got a monsterrific update!

Introducing Frankie & Mummy...


Gremlin Ice Bucket Gremlin Ice Bucket v1.03

Collect 3D glasses and avoid the water.


BatteryStatusFree BatteryStatusFree v1.0

•Display your actual battery status.
•Calculates estimated run-times and battery aging.
•Shows historical data.
•Shows IMEI number of your phone.
•Shows the signal strength.
•Shows mobile network type , android version and kernal version.
•Tell battery saving tips etc


Mouseeba Mouseeba v1.2

Control mouse and help it get the best score. original and hilarious gameplay.


HiLo HiLo v1.0

HiLo-Caught Gaming Network

HiLo- Is the latest game addition to our gaming network.
The game is at the simplest of HiLo for people of all ages to learn/play/enjoy while there are hidden goodies to make
the score skyrocket and boast about it at Facebook.

The game has a simple interface and buttons with preloaded 100 credits to get you started.

Make sure to always check the 'Updates' section to keep up with the latest features to our network and this game.


QuickCheck QuickCheck v2.4

QuickCheck System solutionDigital Safety’s new solution, QUICKCHECK allows the consumer to validate the authenticity of a product prior to the purchase decision through technology that is free to the consumer and with the power of smart phone technology readily available at the fingertips of both Droid and iOS smartphone users.


Red Dot Racing Red Dot Racing v1.2

Do you think that you can make it into TOP20 in this new addicting highscores racing game? The game is 100% free and does not contain and In-App purchases.
