PeerDeviceNet connects your phones and tablets securely through WI-FI and WI-FI Direct network to enable sharing across devices. It allow a group of devices share web pages, contact information, pictures, videos and other documentations.
This free edition contains 100% features. It is supported via mobile ads.
ON PROTRACTOR turn your smart phone into a useful protractor set for quick angle and slope measurement. It helps you measure the angle of everything conveniently and accurately with your phone anywhere, anytime.
ON 2D-CameraMeasure is a powerful tool for object length, angle, area, diameter and dimension measuring. It lets you make measurement on any objects on a 2D plane. It can be used as or even replace ruler and measuring tape in many situation where the traditional measuring method is not enough or difficult to apply.
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
AlarmeFB est un logiciel de gestion d’alarmes et de domotique qui permet :
- de gérer une installation domotique à partir des détecteurs ou des programmateurs intégrés
- d’être informé en direct (sans abonnement) par "SMS flashs" des intrusions ou incidents
- d’avoir un accès toujours disponible et uniquement par vous (pas de serveur ni de "cloud")
- de lancer ou stopper AlarmeFB et piloter à distance par SMS sécurisés
Site du projet :
A+ Major System helps you to boost your memory for remembering any numbers - including very long numbers - by using the powerful and proven technique called "Major System" (also called "mnemonic major system"). Amazing memory feats can be achieved once you have mastered the Major System.
This app is one of the best Major System apps available on the Android platform today.
Magicbricks Android App: Buy/Rent Properties with our Real Estate mobile App!
Nouveau moteur de recherche en ligne:
Businfo est une application gratuite pour Android qui a pour objectif de proposer un accès facile et rapide aux horaires de l'ensemble des lignes des réseau de bus Hérault Transport, Thau agglo et la TAM.
Businfo is a free Android application whose goal is to provide an easy way to get bus schedules of the french bus networks Hérault Transport, Thau Agglo and TAM.
Virtual Film Maker provides the easiest way to combine the best fragments of video,
photo and text files into a continuous presentation.
If you want some of the following:
- to show some best fragments to your mom
- to show some fragments of your vacations footage
- to make a presentation for your colleagues
- to create a montage sketch for your next real movie chef-d'oeuvre
- to make a video for a high school project without hard editing
then you are in the right place.
Laugh as you learn to read English — the award-winning Heckerty™ apps!
Laugh as you learn to read English — the award-winning Heckerty™ apps!
Laugh as you learn to read English — the award-winning Heckerty™ apps!
Laugh as you learn to read English — the award-winning Heckerty™ apps!
This project is based on udp server and client application,where the ESP8266 module act as a server which is configured in softAP mode and the android device act as a client.The main aim of this project is that multiple udp clients can be connected to one udp server to control multiple devices including home lights,appliances and also robots.
No.1 business app on Google Play(04.26.2017). Turn your smartphone into mobile scanner with MDScan!
A life saver application for parents. You can turn any Android tablet into a kid’s tablet with KuuKla Parental Control. Just select the applications, set a time table by days and hours, and leave it to your kid. Your kid can only use the tablet with applications you choose, at the day and time you define.
Manual Distance is an advance camera measure tool for quick measure and estimation of the distance to any object. It perform non-contact distance measurement by using camera and hardware sensor of device.
Manual Distance allows you to measure the distance to the target object with known length, or measure the length and dimension of target object if you know the distance to the object.
Offline Reader is a browser that saves your place on any text file or web page (HTML). Great for reading articles, books, and long passages that are on your Android device (phone or tablet). You can switch apps, shut this app down, or turn off your device. The next time you launch Offline Reader, you would be right back where you were the last time.
- Beautiful cards and icons for weather conditions
- Easy viewing of the temperature with the swipe
- Hourly and 10 day weather forecast
- Overlaying interactive radar maps
- Detailed information about the weather parameters
- Information about the level of air quality
- Adding location to Favorites
- The choice of units (Celsius, Fahrenheit, etc.)
- Handy weather and clock widget