
CalInverse CalInverse v1.0

CalInverse is calculator with modular arithmetic and theory of numbers.
Functions include:
*Greatest common divisor (GCD) (Euclidean algorithm);
*Least common multiple (LCM);
*Bezout's lemma;
*Modular multiplicative inverse;
*Chinese theorem for a system of 2, 3, 4 equations.
The program does not require access to the internet.


ON Ruler ON Ruler v1.1

ON RULER is a helpful measuring tool for quick measure of small object's length. It helps you to measure the dimension of objects conveniently and accurately with your phone at anytime and anywhere.


Time Machine Time Machine v1.42

Time machine is timesheet application for simple time tracking. Ideal for freelancers, and everyone who needs to track time spent working on their projects, control their time, or just want simple stopwatch.


ON Diameter ON Diameter v1.1

ON DIAMETER is the best diameter measuring tool on android. This measuring tool will help you to measures the diameter and area of any circular objects on the device's screen.


Ladytimer Ladytimer v3.9.1

Ladytimer Ovulation and Period Calendar tracks and predicts menstrual cycle days, helping women to become pregnant or avoid pregnancy.

English, Deutsch, español, français, italiano, português, 日本語, 中文, русский

* Super easy to use
* Lots of calendar options: symptoms, moods, weight, etc
* Portable to any smartphone
* Text and voice notes
* Period history
* Community
* Share data with your doctor or partner
* LadyCloud automatic backup and sync
* Baby gender forecast


FourInALine FourInALine v6.1

Play "Four In A Line" online with players all over the world or play offline with machine AI.


SUBPART Q FDP Calculator SUBPART Q FDP Calculator v1.1.13

SUBPART Q FDP Calculator FULL version
Calculate the FDP limit and Rest Requirements for both Flight Deck and Cabin Crew according to EU-OPS Subpart Q.

Included features:
FDP, FDP limit, Minimum Required Rest calculation with detailed explanation, Extensions, Augmentation.
Handle differentiations between Civil Aviation Authorities through the Settings screen.
Available six different calculation methods (Default - LBA German -Spanish - Danish - IACA's proposal - EASA)


Value4Money Value4Money v3.0

Shopping list and "best value for money" calculator. With the holiday season fast approaching, this app needs to be in your pocket.


HD Currency Calculator Pro HD Currency Calculator Pro v1.0.1

Currency Converter and Calculator with 180+ currencies, 4 metals, HD commands


HD Currency Calculator Free HD Currency Calculator Free v1.1.2

HD Currency Calculator and Converter with more than 180 currencies and 4 metals and graphs


Monitor Selection Monitor Selection v1.0

Calculates: Screen dimensions, Pixeldensity (PPI), Recommends a Screensize depending on screen resolution and the distance to screen


Writing Service Calculator Writing Service Calculator v1.0

Looking For a Professional Essay Writer? We Can Get You One and Even MORE!!! Free Revisions, Professional Writers and Cool Features! We Are That Essay Writer Service To Try!
And now free price calculator and free live chat at your Android smartphone! Get DoMyAssignment calculator NOW!


Math Arithmetic Math Arithmetic v1.3

Practice your math arithmetic. Exercise your brain.


Bitcoin Calculator Bitcoin Calculator v1.0

Bitcoin / Altcoins converter and calculator.


Capacitor Calculator Capacitor Calculator v1.0

Capacitor Calculator is a handy tool must for all to keep in their pocket.


BMI Calculator BMI Calculator v1.0

An andriod app in Bangla for calculating Body Mass index(BMI).


Call Analyser Call Analyser v1.1.2

Call Analyzer can help you count the total call duration and warn before reaching a specified monthly limit


Unit Converter Unit Converter v2.6

Unit Converter is a small easy to use, easy to learn Converter. So easy that anyone can use and get results in seconds!


Three Wire Thread Method Three Wire Thread Method v1.0

This is a tool to calculate the pitch diameter, thread depth, minor diameter.


Machinist Dovetail Slide Machinist Dovetail Slide v1.0

This is a calculator to perform the calculations necessary to find the measurements across and between Dovetail slides.
