Audiobo is a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and upload audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear.
Handy to use recipe app. Find relevant recipes! Track your kitchen ingredients and get recipes which you can cook at the moment! Recipe list is sorted by missed (in your kitchen) ingr. count. Get missed ingrs. for each recipe. Calc ingr. amounts for any serves number. Several thousands recipes and ~10 food categories here.
Manage your voice plan, call after call. Graphic follow-up of your consumption, consultation of the two last periods. Tray Icon for instant information. You'll never get beyond your voice plan !
This is the key enabling you to purchase The Slap App.
Add another dimension to your phone calls, reach out and slap someone! Sends a message to the interlocutor just by swiping your phone in the air. No login needed.
Shelves manages your apparel, books, gadgets, movies, music, software, tools, toys, & video games.
Add by scanning barcodes; Web searches; import/export--FULL Delicious Library support.
Find items locally & online with tags/searches. Be a TRUE packrat--items can be any language!
Stop Unwanted Calls either permanently or during particular hours.
With Partial Search(PS) you can search for names, numbers and emails...partially
Find your next dream job for free with Hire*A*Droid!
The modern compass points to the destination instead of to the north.
Expand contact search from just a name to notes, nicknames, organizations and addresses.
Add an unlimited amount of vehicles
Add an unlimited number of oil change records
Select a LOGO of your vehicle
Select how many miles between oil changes
Take photo of vehicles
(GPS INTEGRATED) You can change the miles and date manually if you need to as well.
Pro version of the JustReader: Featured offline Google Reader client for Android.
Read your favorite feeds anywhere you want!
The contents of this volume originally appeared as weekly articles by Lord Beaverbrook (William Maxwell Aitken) in the Sunday Express.
The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Kant's three Critiques, following Critique of Pure Reason.
Track your daily glucose data on your mobile. Generate reports, see trends of your data.
Manage tasks and things to do, based on the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) Workflow
The best funny image app for android. We frequently update the app to provide you with the best funniest pictures that are available through out the web.
InstantPanorama draws detailed 360° views and names all visible mountains and mountain ranges.
The system features 340 000 named mountain peaks and mountain ranges.